HC Deb 28 November 1974 vol 882 c207W
Mr. Brittan

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether changes in the security situation have led him to change his announced provisional intention to move the Price sisters to Northern Ireland by the end of the year.

Mr. Roy Jenkins

Yes. I made it clear in answer to Questions on 13th June—[Vol. 874, c.607–2.]—that the proposal for their removal to a prison in Northern Ireland was subject to there being, in the meantime, no great outbreak of violence

Year Recruitment (including transfers from other police forces) Wastage (including transfers to other forces) Net Gain/Loss in force strength
1971 1,169 947 +297
1972 1,226 1,260 -50
1973 1,116 1,628 -522
1974 (to 31st October) 1,017 1,208 -197

Mr. Burden

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how the total manpower of the Metropolitan Police

Police officers (strength for ordinary duty) Cadets Traffic wardens Civilians
31st October 1974 20,585 730 1,728 10,970
31st October 1963 18,333 752 442 5,427
Gain/Loss +2,252 -22 +1,286 *
* Figures for civilian employees in 1963 were calculated on a different basis from that now in use, and are not strictly comparable with the 1974 figures.

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