HC Deb 18 November 1974 vol 881 cc334-5W
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many places in assessment centres exist within the area of the North-Western Children's Regional Planning Committee; how many of these places are in secure accommodation; how many additional places it is proposed to add during the financial years 1974–75 and 1975–76; and how many of the additional places will be in secure accommodation.

Dr. Owen

According to the committee's regional plan for community homes there are 1,002 places available in assessment centres including, in one centre for girls, four secure places. Under the plan, 424 more places, including some 30 to 40 secure places, are to be provided as resources permit.

The capital programme for 1974–75 includes three assessment centre projects in the committee's area, providing 79 places, plus eight places for non-residential assessment. For the reasons indicated in my reply to my hon. Friend on 11th November—[Vol. 881, c. 39–40.]—no secure unit could be included in the 1974–5 programme.

A circular was issued on 8th November inviting local authorities, to put forward their proposals for the 1975–6 capital programme for the personal social services, asking them for the first time to place in order of priority the projects they wished to undertake in that year across all clients groups. Hitherto, priority was only asked for within client groups. Until local authorities replies have been received I cannot say what particular projects will be included in the programme. The circular indicates that among community home projects priority is attached to observation and assessment facilities or secure accommodation or both. I know that several of the local authorities concerned are pressing on with the preparation of assessment centre projects, including some secure units. We shall give any such projects which are far enough advanced for a start in 1975–6 the highest possible priority if, as I have reason to expect, that is the recommendation of the individual authorities and of the regional planning committee.

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