§ Mr. Moateasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is his estimate of the total number of completed or partially completed houses in the private sector standing unsold at the date of Circular 70/74; and what is his estimate of the total number likely to be purchased by local authorities.
§ Mr. KaufmanOn the first part of the Question, information is given in Table 19 of the Housing and Construction Statistics No. 9, a copy of which is in the Library.
The number of houses that will be purchased depends in the first place on decisions taken by developers and local authorities. Up to 31st October the acquisition of 4,450 such houses by local authorities in England had been approved. In addition to the initiative we took in Circular 70/74 to assist in this matter we have also enabled local authorities to lend to first time purchasers of newly built houses where the mortgage transaction may reasonably be expected to be completed by the end of 1974.
§ Mr. Moateasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the purchase by local authorities of new total amount of funds allocated for the 228W houses from developers under Circular 70/74; how much has been spent; and what is his estimate of the value of contracts in the pipeline.
§ Mr. KaufmanUp to 31st October approval had been given for purchases by local authorities in England totalling some £42,460,000. I am aware that other possible purchases are under discussion between local authorities and developers. A precise figure is not available, but I put no restriction on the number of purchases which local authorities may make.
§ Mr. Moateasked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will take steps to require local authorities contemplating the purchase of privately constructed houses, under the terms of Circular 70/74, to ensure adequate public consultation, including full publication of the proposed purchase before any commitment is entered into.
§ Mr. FreesonNo. Local authorities may be relied upon to take account of all the relevant local circumstances.