HC Deb 24 May 1974 vol 874 cc330-1W
Mr. Neubert

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services to what extent and on which basis canteen meals supplied to nursing and other staff at Oldchurch Hospital, Romford, are subsidised.

Dr. Owen

Meals are available at prices negotiated nationally by the Ancillary Staffs Whitley Council, and for these all overhead costs in excess of 25 per cent. of the prices of meals are borne by the authority. Other meals are available at prices determined locally, and for these meals the element allowed in the price for overheads is limited to 40 per cent.

Mr. Neubert

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what concessions, including luncheon vouchers, are available to the different categories of nursing staff taking meals at Oldchurch Hospital, Romford.

Dr. Owen

There is a general arrangement for all staff to be able to obtain a meal in a staff canteen at subsidised prices.

A daily voucher worth 15p is issued to all non-resident staff under the age of 17, including nurses. Vouchers are also available to non-resident staff over 17 but under 19 on payment of 7½p per voucher.