HL Deb 25 June 1974 vol 352 cc1465-6WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (1) whether Mr. Ian Brady, a prisoner in Parkhurst Prison, has been in solitary confinement for approximately 29 out of the last 31 months;
  2. (2) under what Rule he is denied association with other prisoners;
  3. (3) whether he had made plain his desire for association with other prisioners, presumably in a segregated unit;
  4. (4) what steps are being taken to bring the present state of affairs to an end.


From October, 1971, to May, 1974, Mr. Brady chose to remain in his cell and was unwilling either to take exercise or to have any association with other prisoners except for a period of two months. For 12 months he was subject to Prison Rule 43 but remained eligible for limited association with other prisoners also subject to the Rule. During the rest of the period he was in a prison hospital, but declined offers of association. On June 11 he was transferred to another prison in which he has again been made subject to Prison Rule 43 but remains eligible to associate at work and exercise with other prisoners who are located in the prison segregation unit. He has so far declined to do so.