HC Deb 19 July 1974 vol 877 cc281-3W
Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Energy how many divers have died in oil-related activities in the Scottish sector of the North Sea in each year since 1970 and in each month of 1974.

Mr. Strang

One death in operations connected with offshore installations off the Scottish coast was reported in 1971, another in 1973 and a third earlier this month. No death occurred in that period within territorial waters off Scotland as a result of oil-related activities. Diving fatalities arising from pipeline operations outside territorial waters are not required to be notified to my Department.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what medical services are now available for divers operating in oil-related activities in the Scottish sector of the North Sea.

Mr. Strang

The provision of medical services is the responsibility of the concession owners, installation owners and diving contractors concerned. Diving contractors supplement first-aid and medical facilities on board installations with arrangements whereby a doctor can be flown to an installation in the event of an emergency, and injured men can be flown ashore. Under Diving Regulations which should be laid shortly under the Mineral Workings (Offshore Installations) Act 1971 such arrangements would become a statutory requirement.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Energy how many divers have left the Armed Services to take up employment in oil related activities in the Scottish sector of the North Sea.

Mr. Strang

No figures are available, but I am advised that the majority of divers employed in diving operations in connection with oil and gas activities on the United Kingdom sector of the Continental Shelf have served in the Royal Navy.

Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Energy whether he is satisfied with safety procedures for divers operating in the Scottish sector of the North Sea.

Mr. Strang

It is proposed to lay before the House shortly regulations made under the Mineral Workings (Offshore Installations) Act 1971 to ensure that all diving operations in connection with offshore installations on the United Kingdom Shelf are carried out in accordance with safe procedures. Consideration is being given by my Department to controlling the safety of divers engaged in pipelaying operations.

Mr. Skeet

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what is meant in the paper "United Kingdom Offshore Oil and Gas Policy" by a suitable return on capital investment; and what factors enter into the calculation.

Mr. Varley

This is a matter on which I shall not reach a final view until after my negotiations with the industry.