HC Deb 10 July 1974 vol 876 c501W
Mr. David Price

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is his estimate of the percentage of protein feeds used by British agriculture coming from indigenous sources; and what steps he is taking to encourage a greater degree of national self-sufficiency in protein feeds.

Mr. Buchan

About a quarter of the "high protein feed" used by British agriculture is home produced, but of course the greater part of the protein supply is obtained from cereals and grasses. Encouragement and guidance by our advisory services has been given to the improvement of the protein content of conserved crops such as hay and silage; in the use of urea, dried poultry waste, and more recently leaf protein. Apart from this, with other members of the Community we are studying economic ways of increasing protein supplies within the Community. British producers should obtain some benefit from the decisions to aid the production of dehydrated fodder and the growing of certified field bean seeds.

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