HC Deb 10 July 1974 vol 876 cc493-4W
Mr. Newens

asked the Secretary of State for the Social Services how many mentally handicapped patients are at present accommodated in Essex hospitals who were originally admitted from outside the Essex area.

Dr. Owen


Mr. Newens

asked the Secretary of State for the Social Services how many mentally handicapped patients are at present known to be accommodated in hospitals in Essex; and what proportion of these could be discharged if suitable residential accommodation could be provided.

Dr. Owen

2,454. I cannot give an exact figure of the number who could be discharged if suitable residential accommodation were available, but the White Paper "Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped" (Command 4683) suggested that the national proportion of all patients in mentally handicapped hospitals who could be discharged if residential and other facilities were available in the community was between a third and a half.

Mr. Newens

asked the Secretary of State for the Social Services what steps she is taking to provide suitable accommodation in Essex for mentally handicapped persons, at present confined in hospitals, who would be discharged if such accommodation were available.

Dr. Owen

Essex County Council has already provided 42 places for mentally handicapped children and 75 places for mentally handicapped adults in local authority residential homes. Further places are available in homes run by other bodies. There are under construction another 83 places for adults. The county council has prepared comprehensive plans for providing further places and my right hon. Friend has already announced—[Vol. 873, c. 1293–1303.]—her intention of pressing for priority to be given to loan consents for mental handicap projects within the overall central and local Government expenditure limits for health and social services. Not all these places in local authority residential homes will be available for those currently confined in hospitals for the mentally handicapped since places will also be filled direct from the community.

Mr. Newens

asked the Secretary of State for the Social Services how many mentally handicapped persons from the Harlow area are known to be patients in hospitals; how many reside in community homes and other publicly provided accommodation; and how many at home.

Dr. Owen

This information is not readily available.