HL Deb 01 July 1974 vol 353 cc141-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish a table showing what sites included in the August, 1972, Report of the Housing Action Group and said to be available from Government Departments and nationalised industries—i.e. Department of Health 46 acres, S.E. Gas Board 20 acres, British Railways 160 acres—have been released; and of acreage so released how many acres have been transferred to local authorities.


The Reports of the Action Group on London Housing


Financial support from the United Kingdom to Northern Ireland amounted in 1973–74 to £310 million or £376 million if loans are included. The corresponding estimates for 1974–75 are £350 million or £430 million. The breakdown of these figures is given below:

did not identify specific sites, but particulars of land which the three bodies mentioned have agreed to release and which has been allocated to local authorities in London for housing purposes are as follows:

(1) Department of Health and Social Services:

38 acres at the Friern Hospital site, being acquired by the G.L.C.

(2) South-East Gas Board:

23 acres at Wandsworth Gas Works has been sold to the G.L.C.

(3) British Rail:

160 acres (24 sites), since January, 1972.

Up-to-date information on the proportion of the British Rail land which has actually been handed over to the local authorities is being obtained, and the Minister for Housing and Construction will write to the right reverend Prelate shortly.