HC Deb 15 January 1974 vol 867 cc11-3W
Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the number of workers laid off as a result of the fuel situation for each day since 27th December 1973.

Mr. Chichester-Clark

The following are estimates of the numbers of workers temporarily stopped and claiming unemployment benefit each day in Great Britain up to the latest date for which they are available. Estimates of the total number

Region Thursday 27th December 1973 Friday 28th December 1973 Monday 31st December 1973 Wednesday 2nd January 1974 Thursday 3rd January 1974 Friday 4th January 1974
Northern 21,000 31,000 27,000 24,000 42,000 46,000
Yorkshire and Humberside 60,000 98,000 92,000 107,000 130,000 120,000
Eastern and Southern 10,000 13,000 50,000 69,000 77,000 63,000
London and South East 10,000 18,000 32,000 42,000 63,000 66,000
South West 4,000 5,000 8,000 21,000 13,000 16,000
Wales 1,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 13,000 30,000
Midlands 200,000 256,000 280,000 292,000 243,000 253,000
North West 95,000 109,000 146,000 170,000 124,000 123,000
Scotland 3,000 11,000 No figures available No figures available 24,000 34,000
Total 404,000 544,000 640,000 730,000 729,000 751,000
Region Monday 7th January 1974 Thursday 8th January 1974 Wednesday 9th January 1974 Thursday 10th January 1974 Friday 11th January 1974
Northern 50,000 55,000 54,000 59,000 58,000
Yorkshire and Humberside 107,000 111,000 109,000 82,000 83,000
Eastern and Southern 73,000 74,000 70,000 64,000 70,000
London and South East 62,000 69,000 73.000 65,000 68,000
South West 21,000 25,000 24,000 18,000 18,000
Wales 25,000 25,000 26,000 35,000 37,000
Midlands 320,000 319,000 321,000 297,000 294,000
North West 176,000 173,000 174,000 114,000 109,000
Scotland 51,000 64,000 65,000 66,000 72,000
Total 885,000 915,000 916,000 800,000 809,000

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will make a statement giving details of the

of workers laid off on any day are not available.

27th December 1973 404,000
28th December 1973 544,000
31st December 1973 640,000
2nd January 1974 730,000
3rd January 1974 729,000
7th January 1974 885,000
8th January 1974 915,000
9th January 1974 916,000
10th January 1974 800,000
11th January 1974 809,000

Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the regional distribution of lay-offs from work each week since Christmas 1973.

Mr. Chichester-Clark

The estimates made by my Department show the numbers of workers temporarily stopped and claiming unemployment benefit on each working day from 27th December 1973 to 11th January 1974 inclusive. Following is the information:—

number of workers who have been unemployed or on short time during the energy shortage.

Mr. Chichester-Clark

Details of the January count of the unemployed will be published on 24th January 1974.

Daily estimates of those on short time in Great Britain during the energy shortage and claiming benefit each day are given below:

27th December 1973 404,000
28th December 1973 544,000
31st December 1973 640,000
2nd January 1974 730,000
3rd January 1974 729,000
4th January 1974 751,000
7th January 1974 885,000
8th January 1974 915,000
9th January 1974 916,000
10th January 1974 800,000
11th January 1974 809,000