HC Deb 04 December 1974 vol 882 c527W
48. Mr. Wrigglesworth

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will now consider seeking powers to make local authorities responsible for the disposal of industrial waste.

Mr. Denis Howell

When the Control of Pollution Act 1974 is implemented waste disposal authorities will be responsible for ensuring that all controlled waste, including industrial waste, is disposed of safely. They will have powers to dispose of industrial waste themselves on repayment, but in many cases authorities may consider that the private waste disposal industry can act more economically and efficiently. I have no proposals to impose any further duties on local authorities at this time of severe public expenditure restraint.

Mr. Wrigglesworth

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will now seek to establish regional facilities for the disposal of dangerous industrial wastes.

Mr. Oakes

No, for the reasons stated in the replies given to my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon (Mr. Moonman) on 25th November.—[Vol. 882, c.89–97.]