HC Deb 10 April 1974 vol 872 cc186-95W
Mr. John Ellis

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a further statement giving details of prices for 1974–75 under the common agricultural policy.

Mr. Peart

The following table sets out the changes agreed for each commodity and gives the new levels of the common prices for 1974–75. These figures are based on those announced by the Council and are subject to detailed checking and possibly minor corrections. Most of the prices will not, of course, apply in the United Kingdom, where they will be reduced to take account of the transitional arrangements, including the 10 per cent. reduction in the price move for butter and sugar, permitted under Article 52 of the Act of Accession.

Price for 1974–75
Commodity Increase over 1973–74 Units Account (UA) per Metric Tonne Imperial Unit (a) period of application
Target Price 6% 121.84 £57.20/ton 1st August 1974–31st July 1975
Basic Intervention Price 4% 110.03 £51.65/ton
Target Price 5% 110.55 £51.90/ton
Single Intervention Price (b) 5% 96.60 £45.35/ton
Target Price 6% 119.04 £55.88/ton
Single Intervention Price 4% 101.84 £47.81/ton
Target Price 6.5% 109.45 £51.38/ton 1st August 1974–30th September 1976
Single Intervention Price 6.5% 89.55 £42.04/ton
Target Price (c) 182.83 £85.83/ton 1st August 1974–31st July 1975 J
Single Intervention Price (c) 166.83 £78.32/ton
Minimum Guaranteed Price (c) 196.83 £92.40/ton
RICE (d)
Target Price for Husked Rice 6% 226.04 £106.11/ton 1st September 1974–31st August 1975
Intervention Price for Paddy Rice… 4% 136.55 £64.10/ton
Minimum price for quota A Beet… 5.5% 18.84 £8.84/ton 1st July 1974–30th June 1975
Price for quota B Beet 5.5% 11.08 £5.20/ton
Target price for White Sugar 7% 265.50 £124.63/ton
Intervention Price for White Sugar 7% 252.20 £118.39/ton
Producer Target Price No change 1,371.70 £643.93/ton 1st November 1974–31st October 1975
Market Target Price 950.00 £445.96/ton
Intervention Price 877.50 £411.93/ton
Target Price:
Colza and Rape (f) 3% 219.00 £102.81 1st July 1974–30th June 1975
Soya Beans Details to be fixed
Sunflower Seeds 6% 225.40 £105.81 1st September 1974–31st August 1975
Intervention Price:
Colza and Rape (f) 3% 212.70 £99.85 1st July 1974–30th June 1975
Sunflower Seeds 6% 218.90 £102.76 1st September 1974–31st August 1975

Standard aid 6 £2.82/ton To be fixed
Standard aid 2% 83.60 ua/ha £15.63/acre 1st August 1974–31st July 1975
Flax standard aid (g) +10 ua/ha 160 ua/ha £29.92/acre 1st August 1974–31st July 1975
Hemp standard aid +10 ua/ha 135 ua/ha £25.24/acre
Production subsidy Rates unchanged from 1973 crop except for:
Textile Flax 10 ua/100 kg £2.35/cwt 1st July 1974–30th June 1975
Italian Ryegrass (including Westerwolds) 10 ua/100 kg £2.35/cwt
Hybrid Ryegrass 10 ua/100 kg £2.35/cwt
Lucerne (ecotypes) 7 ua/100 kg £1.64/cwt
Lucerne (varieties) 10 ua/100 kg £2.35/cwt
Red Clover 18 ua/100 kg £4.22/cwt
Common Vetch 12 ua/100 kg £2.82/cwt
Field Beans 6 ua/100 kg £1.41/cwt
Guide Price for Type:
RI 11% 1.62 ua/degree hl 3.40 p/degree gallon 16th December 1974–15th December 1975
RII (h) 14.5% 1.58 ua/degree hl 3.32 p/degree gallon
RIII 11% 25.31 ua/hl 53.15 p/gallon
AI 11% 1.52 ua/degree hl 3.19 p/degree gallon
AII 11% 33.74 ua/hl 70.86 p/gallon
AIII 11% 38.52 ua/hl 80.90 p/gallon
Nostrano del Brenta 5% Various Various 1st January 1974–31st December 1974
Paraguay 9%
other varites 6%(average)
Intervetion price:
Pears 4% Various Various 1974–75 various
Apples 7%
Others 10%

Price for 1974–74
Commodity Increase over 1973– Unit Account(UA) per Metric Tonne Imperial Unit(a) Period of Application
Target Price for Milk 8% 134.10 29.00/gallon
Intervention Price for (i):
Butter 1,760.00 £826.21/ton
Skimmed Milk Powder 19.7℅ 790.00 £370.85/ton
Subsidy on Skimmed Milk for Animal Feed:
Liquid (j) (j) (j)
Powder (j) (j) (j)
Consumer subsidy on butter(k) 100 £46.94/ton 1st April 1973–31st March 1975
Adult Cattle 12% 965.00 £22.65/live cwt 2nd April 1974–31st March 1975
calves 9% 1,130.00 £26.52/live cwt
Basic Price 8% 930.00 £3.90/score 1st November 1974–31st Octorber 1974
subsidy per box 2% 31.60 ua/box £14.60/box 1st April 1974–31st March 1975

(a) Based on £1=2.1644 ua.
(b) Single intervention price replaces regional variation arrangements.
(c) In the Commission's original proposals the production subsidy payable on durum was to be incorporated into the target and intervention prices. In the final settlement it was agreed that a reduced subsidy would be payable based, as before, on the difference between the guaranteed minimum and intervention prices.
(d) The supply prices for the refund on starch production were fixed as follows:
Maize and common wheat 82.0 ua per tonne (£38.49 ton)
Broken rice 102.0 ua per tonne (£47.88 ton)
Potatoes 104–5 ua per tonne (£49.06 ton)
(e) Application of Article 52(3) of the Act of Accession (transitional step less 10 per cent adjustment) results in a United Kingdom intervention price of 218.50 ua-tonne (£102–57-ton) and in a United Kingdom minimum price for quota A beet of 16.30 ua-tonne (0.65–ton). The entry price for sugar purchased under CSA is 163.90 ua-tonne (£76.94–ton) raw sugar 96° polarisation. The United Kingdom refining margin is 40.30 ua-tonne (£18.92–ton).
(f) The moisture content of the standard quantity of rape and colza to which the prices apply is reduced from 10 per cent to 9 per cent.
(g) In the United Kingdom the subsidy on flax will be 92 ua-ha (£17–20-acre) and in Denmark it will be 139 ua-ha (£25.99-acre).
(h) The price of RII wine is to be aligned with that of RI wine in two stages.
(i) The ratio of fat content-skimmed milk is now 53.4: 46.6. The intervention price for butter (82 per cent fat content) in the United Kingdom is 1,048.90 ua-tonne (£492.39–ton), in Denmark, 1,724.00 ua-tonne (£809.31-ton) and in the Irish Republic 1,634–00 ua-tonne (067–06–ton). The skimmed milk powder intervention price for Germany and Benelux is, as last year, effectively reduced by 20 ua-tonne (0.39-ton). Sales into intervention during the period 4th-31st March 1974 will, in effect, receive the 1974–75 price.
(j) The Commission is authorised to fix the subsidy within a margin to be determined by the Council. This margin is fixed between 260 and 360 ua-tonne (£122.05 to £169–00 a ton) for skimmed milk powder. The subsidies have initially been fixed at 335 ua-tonne (£157.26-ton) for skimmed milk powder and 31.10 ua-tonne (6–75p-gallon) for liquid skimmed milk.
(k) The United Kingdom is authorised to supplement the general consumer subsidy on butter by up to 170 ua-tonne, making 270 ua-tonne (£126.75-ton) in all.
(l) By derogation, the United Kingdom guide price has been set at 745 ua-tonne (£17.49-live cwt) for cattle and 900 ua-tonne (£21.12-live cwt) for calves (+6.3 per cent).
(m) The limitation on the period of validity of this subsidy is abolished

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