HL Deb 09 April 1974 vol 350 cc1214-6WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What import duties or levies are at present applied to beef entering the United Kingdom from third countries.


The import duties and levies applicable on beef imports into the United Kingdom are set out below. For a large proportion of our imports these are fully offset by the monetary compensatory amounts.

Duty Rates
Full rates
Bone-in £0.1866 per cwt.+ 8% ad valorem
Boned/Boneless 11% ad valorem
Developed Commonwealth Countries 8% ad valorem
Developing Commonwealth Countries Nil

The levy rates applicable to UK imports in the week commencing April 8 are as follows:

Fresh & chilled beef £/cwt.
Carcases, sides and compensated quarters 1.4994
Forequarter 1.1623
Hindquarters 1.8388
Unboned cuts 2.3441
Boneless cuts 1.3334

Frozen beef
Carcases, ½ carcase & compensated quarters Nil
Forequarters Nil
Hindquarters Nil
Unboned cuts Nil
Boned/Boneless Cuts:
Specified forequarter cuts Nil
Crop, chuck blade & brisket cuts Nil
Other cuts Nil


asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the transitional compensatory amounts per lb. which are at present applicable to beef entering the United Kingdom from other members of the European Economic Community.


The transitional compensatory amounts per lb. applicable in the week beginning April 8, 1974, to beef entering the United Kingdom from other Member States of the E.E.C. are as follows:

Member States except the Irish Republic p/lb. Irish Republic p/lb.
Fresh and chilled beef
Carcases, half carcases, compensated quarters 8.92 2.98
Forequarters 7.17 2.38
Hindquarters 10.67 3.58
Bone-in cuts 13.30 4.47
Boned or boneless cuts 16.51 5.12
Frozen beef
Carcases, half carcases, compensated quarters 6.00 2.40
Forequarters 4.79 1.92
Hindquarters 7.50 3.00
Bone-in cuts 9.00 3.61
Boneless forequarters and boneless forequarter cuts (being crops, chuck and blade and brisket) 7.50 3.00
Other boneless cuts 10.32 4.13

House adjourned at sixteen minutes before seven o'clock.