HC Deb 25 October 1973 vol 861 c680W
Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications (1) what percentage of first- and second-class letters due for delivery on Saturday are not delivered until Monday in Great Britain as a whole;

(2) what percentage of letters, first- and second-class, respectively, is delivered on Saturdays in accordance with the principles of the two-tier system; and how this percentage compares with other days.

Sir J. Eden

The latest Post Office returns show that in the 12 months ended September last 91 per cent. of first-class letters were delivered on the next working day after posting and 87 per cent. of second-class by the second working day. Separate figures are not available for Saturday, but the percentages must be less on that day because there is no second delivery and many firms are closed.