HC Deb 23 October 1973 vol 861 cc441-4W
27. Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services why he has altered the general pattern of appointments to area health authorities in the Brent/Harrow area by adding three additional places; why two university places have been allocated when, although some teaching as part of the Middlesex Hospital training is conducted, there is no teaching hospital in the area nor is it designated AHA(T); why the Medical Research Council has been allocated three places; and if he will make a statement.

Sir K. Joseph

The constitution of the area health authority is set out in SI 1973 No. 1305. It takes account of the special work of the Clinical Research Centre at Northwick Park and the teaching functions of the Central Middlesex Hospital. Of the 12 members appointed by the regional health authority, four have been appointed on the recommendation of the Medical Research Council, the Middlesex Hospital Medical School and the Central Middlesex and North-wick Park Hospital Management Committee.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if the chairman of an area health authority elect is entitled to decide upon the boundaries for districts by a casting vote; in how many authorities boundary decisions have been made after a majority winning the vote; and if he will make a statement.

Sir K. Joseph

The procedure at meetings of area health authorities is governed by the National Health Service (Regional and Area Health Authorities: Membership and Procedure) Regulations 1973 (S.I. 1973 No. 1286) which provide for a casting vote by the presiding person. On districts, I have notified health authorities of the pattern which I wish them to implement initially for 1st April 1974, subject to later review. I am considering the very few cases where authorities have made representations on this subject.

Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services on what basis he intends to define the districts of the new Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow Area Health Authority; and what consultation has taken place between himself, the regional hospital board and the borough councillors and Members of Parliament of the three boroughs concerned.

Sir K. Joseph

I have already notified the area health authority of the definition of districts which I expect it to adopt initially on 1st April 1974, subject to later review. I took my decision in the light of a comprehensive report from the regional joint liaison committee, which is representative of all the bodies directly concerned in the reorganisation of the National Health Service. I was thus able to take account of all the arguments for and against each of the possible options.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services why he will not permit the area health authorities to make their own appointments for senior officers but has kept that responsibility for himself, with the advice of the Staff Commission.

Sir K. Joseph

The responsibility for making appointments to posts in the new health authorities rests with the authorities themselves. Preparatory work, including advertising of posts, receiving applications, appointing assessors and preparing short lists, had to be put in train before the new authorities were established, in order to enable them to appoint certain of their senior staff well before the appointed day. I accepted the NHS Staff Commission for England's offer to undertake this difficult task, acting under its statutory powers, and I am sure that it was indispensable and of great value to the new service.

The same requirements for the commission to undertake preparatory work do not generally apply to further appointments of staff, other than those I have referred to, for the new authorities. I am sending the hon. Member a copy of Circular NHSSC 3/73, which sets out the principles to be followed.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will instruct the chairmen of all area health authorities that sub-committees established to deal with appointments must be freely elected by the members of the authority and not presented as a list drawn up by the chairman only needing formal approval.

Sir K. Joseph

The National Health Service (Regional and Area Health Authorities: Membership and Procedure) Regulations 1973 (S.I. 1973 No. 1286) give area health authorities power to establish any necessary committees or sub-committees and lay down rules as to the meetings and proceedings of authorities.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will take action to enable the Press to attend meetings of the area health authorities-elect which are held before 1st April 1974.

Sir K. Joseph

Area health authorities have discretion to admit the Press to meetings held before 1st April 1974 and I prefer to leave this to their judgment.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will issue advice to all area health authorities regarding the status of the members appointed by local authorities, to the effect that their term of office rests entirely upon the decision of local authorities to withdraw or reappoint them annually and that they serve as representatives and not as individuals.

Sir K. Joseph

Copies of the National Health Service (Regional and Area Health Authorities: Membership and Procedure) Regulations 1973 (SI 1973 No. 1286) have been provided for all members of area health authorities under cover of circular HRC(73)22; paragraph 3 of the circular drew their attention to Regulation 5 which relates to the term of office of members appointed by local authorities. These members are appointed as individuals and the intention of the Government is that they should participate as other members do in the work of the area health authority, with the benefit of their direct knowledge of the complementary services for which the local authority is responsible.