§ Chairman: Sir Ralph Carr-Ellison, former Director, Newcastle and Gateshead Water Co.; Director, Tyne-Tees Television.
§ Members appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment
- D. J. Allen, Secretary, Agricultural Division ICI Billingham.
- A. G. McLellan, CBE, BSc, FICE, FICWE, JP, Director, Sunderland and South Shields Water Co.; Deputy Chairman, Water Resources Board.
- S. G. Barrett, CBE, MSC, FICE, FIWE, Director (former Managing Director), Newcastle and Gateshead Water Co.; Chairman, Water Supply Industry Training Board.
- Alderman F. J. Mavin, OBE, JP, Chairman, Northumbrian River Authority; Chairman, Tynemouth Water Committee; Vice-Chairman, Coquet Water Board.
- E. S. J. Standen, District Manager, Durastic Ltd.; Chairman, Water Recreation Sub-Committee of Northern Regional Sports Council.
- Mrs. G. L. Hunter, Housewife.
§ Members appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Major R. L. E. Milburn, JP, Fisheries member, Northumbrian River Authority, Tweed Commissioner, Council member, Salmon and Trout Association.
- E. A. Wrangham, MA, FRGS, Land drainage member, Northumbrian River Authority and Chairman of its Water Resources Committee.
§ Members appointed by Local Authorities
- L. J. Atkins, Tyne and Wear Metropolitan County Council.
- Mrs. J. M. Copland, Tyne and Wear Metropolitan County Council.
- A. M. Cambell, Tyne and Wear Metropolitan District Councils.
- T. W. Yellowley, Tyne and Wear Metropolitan District Councils.
- M. Sutherland, Cleveland County Council.
- P. Bonar, Cleveland District Councils.
- E. Carter, Durham County Council.
- J. Baxter, Northumberland County Council.
- J. E. Teasdale, Northumberland District Councils.