HC Deb 27 November 1973 vol 865 cc127-40W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the Whitley Councils at present within the National

Management Side Interests Represented
Mr. H. J. Lester Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Mr. W. A. Hutchinson
Councillor A. Williams
Councillor W. J. Davies
Mr. E. Humphries Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Councillor J. E. Ginty Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. L. A. Lelliott
Mr. J. McCorkell Association of Boards of Management
Mrs. C. J. Tudhope Executive Councils Association (Scotland)
Mr. E. K. Jones Executive Councils Association (England and Wales)
Colonel W. F. Bracewell
Mr. A. C. A. Colton County Councils Association
Mr. W. F. G. Dowson
Mr. A. Richardson
Alderman D. Graham Association of Municipal Corporations
Councillor J. Porter
Councillor L. Hilliard
Councillor M. J. Williamson Scottish Local Authority Associations
Ex-Provost A. C. Smyth
Mrs. I. Chaplin Inner London Education Authority
Ex-Bailie D. R. Donaldson Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Mr. K. J. Johnson Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mrs. E. Daniels Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Alderman A. Lamb Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. W. J. Carter Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mr. A. F. GrayJ
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department Welsh Office
Mr. R. H. Jones
Mr. J. T. Woodlock Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. L. H. Hayward
Mr. P. Allen
Staff Side
Mr. G. A. Drain National and Local Government Officers Association
Mr. J. F. Milne Institute of Health Service Administrators
Mr. A. Allen National and Local Government Officers Association
Miss A. M. Prime National and Local Government Officers Association
Mr. A. W. Fisher National Union of Public Employees
Mr. H. Percy Transport and General Workers Union
Mr. C. Donnet National Union of General and Municipal Workers
Mr. D. O. Williams Confederation of Health Service Employees
Dr. J. T. A. George British Medical Association
Dr. J. C. Cameron British Medical Association
Dr. E. Grey-Turner British Medical Association
Dr. C. E. Astley British Medical Association
Mr. W. L. Griffiths National Union of Public Employees
Mrs. M. E. Newstead Royal College of Nursing
Miss B. Mee Royal College of Midwives
Miss C. M. Hall Royal College of Nursing
Mr. R. T. Pine Association of Optical Practitioners
Mr. M. M. McNeill Guild of Hospital Pharmacists
Mr. J. Wright Association of Supervisors of Midwives
Mr. C. Preston-Robinson Guild of Hospital Pharmacists
Mr. G. C. Jenkins Society of Chiropodists

Health Service, together with the names of those serving as members and the interests they represent.

Sir K. Joseph,

pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 23rd November 1973 ; Vol. 864, c. 550], circulated the following Information :

Staff Side Interests Represented
Mr. J. Rose Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Mr. S. J. Barton National Union of Public Employees
Mr. E. A. G. Spanswick Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. W. A. Warrington National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades
Mr. S. R. Bragg British Dental Association
Mr. H. Hutchinson National Union of Public Employees

Management Side Interests Represented
Alderman D. Graham Association of Municipal Corporations
Councillor J. Porter
Mr. N. S. Fisher
Councillor R. Whitworth
Alderman J. Ross
Mr. W. H. Lake County Councils Association
Mr. A. Richardson
Mr. A. C. Colton
Mr. A. H. Davies
Mr. W. F. G. Dowson
Mr. S. Rhodes Rural District Council Association
Councillor W. Wroe Urban District Council Association
Mr. R. C. Coulter Inner London Education Authority
Mr. F. Inglis Association of County Councils (Scotland)
Mr. A. C. Smyth Convention of Royal Burghs
Councillor M. J. Williamson Counties of Cities Association
Mr. B. J. Rusbridge Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board
Mr. T. E. Dutton Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. D. C. de Peyer Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. J. Walker Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. A. Simmen
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office
Staff Side
Dr. D. J. Anderson British Medical Association
Dr. W. G. Harding
Dr. M. Dunn
Dr. J. R. Preston
Dr. J. Harkness
Dr. J. J. A. George
Dr. D. Stevenson
Dr. M. Murchison
Dr. J. St. V. Dawkins
Dr. J. M. Dunlop
Dr. C. Lycett
Dr. C. J. Revington
Dr. H. G. Robinson
Dr. D. T. P. Richards
Dr. I. T. Field

Details of the membership of Committee C (Local Authority Doctors), the Committee responsible for negotiating the pay and conditions of service of public health medical officers, are shown above. The Secretary of State has no representation on the committee but DHSS (and SHHD and WO) send observers to meetings.

There is a Committee B for hospital doctors and dentists on which the Staff Side is represented by the Negotiating Sub-Committee of the Central Committee for Hospital Medical Services of the British Medical Association, and the management side by nominees of the relevant employing authorities. In practice, at the wish of the Staff Side, negotiations on remuneration and terms and conditions of service of hospital medical and dental staff are done in a Joint Negotiating Committee containing the Staff Side of the Whitley Council's Committee B and representatives of the Health Departments.

Negotiations on the remuneration of General Medical Practitioners are carried out between the General Medical Services Committee of the BMA and representatives of the Health Departments.

Negotiations on the remuneration of all NHS Doctors and Dentists are carried out in the light of recommendations by the Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration.

Management Side interests Represented
Mr. F. Pethbridge Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Councillor M. Gallagher
Mr. E. D. Finlay
Mr. B. G. Bush
Mr. G. Brown Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Alderman A. E. Gardener Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. E. A. Potter
Mr. W. Burndred
Mr. S. W. Smith
Mr. G. G. Roberts
Mr. K. J. Johnson Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mr. A. H. Burfott
Mr. G. G. Savage Association of Boards of Management
Mr. G. Robertson Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office
Mr. P. G. Perry Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. P. H. Sullivan
Mr. D. L. Harrop
Staff Side
Mr. S. C. O'Kane Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. D. O. Williams
Mr. T. E. Mallinson
Mr. C. Donnet National Union of General and Municipal Workers
Mr. D. MacGregor
Mr. D. E. Hugget
Mr. S. Procter
Mr. S. J. Barton National Union of Public Employees
Mr. A. W. Fisher
Mr. H. Hutchison
Mr. H. K. Penman
Mr. E. C. Sheehan Transport and General Workers Union
Mr. P. Evans
Mr. J. Knox
Mr. I. ThomasJ

Management Side Interests Represented
Mr. J. Hudson Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Mr. G. Clarke
Mr. A. Dale
Mr. G. Spicer
Mr. D. Paterson Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Mr. W. Heap Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. G. Bateson
Mr. H. Dunkley
Mrs. E. Daniels Board of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Dr. T. Whitehurst
Bailie Mrs. H. Muir Association of Board of Management
Mr. R. S. Moyle County Councils Association
Councillor Mrs. Agnes Bell Local Authority (Scotland)
Lieutenant-Colonel F. Kerr Professor I. Wootton
Mr. A. Pagan Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. D. Clark
Mr. J. Harley
Mr. W. D. Paget
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office
Staff Side
Dr. A. P. Kenny Association of Clinical Biochemists
Mr. S. J. Lock Association of Occupational Therapists
Mr. R. A. Bird Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs
Miss C. Murland British Dietic Association
Miss B. M. Lee British Orthoptic Society
Miss M. K. Patrick Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Mr. J. Rose
Mrs. E. Rogers

Staff Side Interests Represented
Mrs. R. Lambie Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. T. Mallinson
Dr. J. S. Orr Hospital Physicists Association
Miss J. Baraclough British Association of Social Workers
Miss H. A. Bate
Mrs. P. Mendoza
Miss A. W. Maddocks National and Local Government Officers Association
Dr. J. Rusius
Mr. S. J. Barton National Union of Public Employees
Mr. H. Hutchinson
Miss C. Paterson Scottish Association of Occupational Therapists
Mr. G. C. Jenkins Society of Chiropodists
Mr. K. C. Denley Society of Radiographers
Mr. J. W. Evans
Mr. T. Ware Society of Remedial Gymnasts
Mr. H. A. Curtis Union of Speech Therapists

Management Side Interests Represented
Mr. W. H. Burrell Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Mr. W. H. Earle
Dr. T. Heap
Mr. P. A. Tye
Ex-Bailie D. R. Donaldson Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Bailie J. Bairner Association of Board of Management
Mr. J. Warren Association of Hospital Management Committs
Mr. S. G. Lightfoot
Mrs. M. E. Clark
Dr. T. H. N. Whitehurst Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mr. R. J. Denney
Lieutenant-Colonel F. Kerr Scottish Local Authority Associations
Ex-Provost A. C. Smyth
Mr. J. F. Baldwin County Councils Association
Alderman Mrs. V. Smith Association of Municipal Corporations
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. A. Simmen
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office
Professor I. Wootton Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. J. Bolton
Mr. W. D. Paget
Mr. L. H. Hayward
Mr. J. Harley
Mr. D. W. Luscombe
Staff Side
Mr. S. J. Barton National Union of Public Employees
Mr. R. L. Jones
Mr. H. Hutchinson
Mr. E. A. G. Spanswick Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. T. E. Mallinson
Mr. R. Lambie
Mr. K. B. Lim National and Local Government Officers Association
Mr. W. C. Day
Mr. F. Gee
Mr. R. A. Bird Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs
Mr. J. F. Williams
Mr. R. Makin
Mr. F. E. Shrosbree Association of Building Technicians
Mr. W. A. Warrington National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades
Mr. T. Malloy Union of Shop Distributive and Allied Workers

Management Side Interests Represented
Mr. W. A. Evans Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Dr. T. Heap
Mr. S. Whittacker
Mr. F. Mellor
Mr. I. J. MacMaster Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Mr. W. J. Carter Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals

Management Side Interests Represented
Mrs. B. J. Young Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. C. C. Stevens
Dr. J. Lyons Local Health Authorities for England and Wales
Mr. J. M. Horne Association of Boards of Management
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. R. J. Jones Welsh Office
Mr. R. B. Hodgetts Department of Health and Social Security
Mrs. M. Pearson
Dr. T. Whittet
Mr. T. Dutton
Staff Side
Mr. W. Mott Guild of Hospital Pharmacists
Mr. G. Raine
Mr. R. Ross
Mr. J. Fish
Mr. B. Smith
Mr. Preston Robinson
Mr. J. Hadgraft Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs
Mr. R. A. Bird
Mr. E. A. G. Spanswick Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. A. Williams

Management Side interests Represented
Mr. G. H. Clarke Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Mr. C. Adolphe
Mr. D. Joens
Mr. A. R. Batchelor Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Mr. L. Haynard Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. N. Mentz
Mr. A. F. Gray Board of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mr. M. Ruben
Dr. J. Lyons County Councils Association
Dr. M. Jones
Alderman H. J. Howe Association of Municipal Corporations
Councillor K. J. Smith
Mr. J. Horne Association of Boards of Management
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. A. Simmen
Mr. R. B. Hodgetts Department of Health and Social Security
Miss J. Barnes
Mr. R. L. Bellis
Mr. T. Dutton
Staff Side
Mr. G. Allen Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs
Mr. M. Wolffe
Mr. L. Cogar Association of Optical Practitioners
Mr. R. Pine
Miss A. Kempster Joint Committee of Ophthalmic Opticians
Mr. E. Greenwood
Mr. G. Miller Scottish National Committee of Ophthalmic Opticians
Mr. R. W. Butler Association of Dispensing Opticians
Mr. E. Terry
Mr. W. Hawes
Mr. T. Collison
Mr. R. Jardine
Mr. M. Aird
Mr. R. Morgan Socialist Medical Association

Management Side interests Represented
Mr. H. J. Lester Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Mr. C. E. Kevill-Davies
Mr. R. S. Clark
Mr. N. B. Capindale
Mr. R. E. Spain Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)

Management Side Interests Represented
Mr. W. P. Watkins Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mr. S. M. Gray
Mr. E. A. Gamblin Association of Hospital Management Committees
Mr. E. M. Godfrey
Mr. J. A. Crichton Association of Boards of Management
Mr. R. L. Darche Executive Councils Association (England)
Mr. L. Boston
Mr. E. K. Jones Executive Councils Association (Wales)
Mr. G. Mclver Executive Councils Association (Scotland)
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office
Mr. J. T. Woodlock Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. A. J. Merifield
Mr. H. Herzmark
Staff Side
Mr. S. F. Gradwell Association of Hospital and Residential Care Officers
Mr. E. Cowperthwaite Association of National Health Service Officers
Mr. N. G. Crossley
Mr P. McGinley Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. T. Mallinson
Mr. A. D. Murray
Mr. D. O. Williams
Mr. A. A. Staples Managerial, Administrative, Technical and Supervisory Association
Mr. P. M. Cooke Institute of Health Service Administrators
Miss A. Dickson Institute of Health Service Administrators
Mr. A. L. Jackson
Mr. J. F. Milne
Mr. A. Allen National and Local Government Officers Association
Mr. W. Barrow
Mr. A. C. Darney
Mr. G. A. Drain
Mr. C. Drury
Mr. D. W. Dunn
Mr. C. Gillham
Miss A. M. Prime
Mr. A. R. Roddick
Mr. S. Smales
Mr. H. S. Spacey
Mr. W. Temperley
Mr. J. T. Thomas
Mr. T. H. Waterhouse
Mr. H. J. Watson
Mr. S. J. Barton National Union of Public Employees
Mr. D. I. Davies
Mr. H. Hutchinson
Mr. M. Thomas
Mr. S. H. A. Shaw Society of Clerks of Executive Councils
Mr. C. M. Patterson Transport and General Workers Union

Management Side Interests Represented
Alderman D. Graham Association of Municipal Corporations
Councillor A. Otten
Alderman J. B. Corrin
Mr. W. F. G. Dowson County Councils Association
Dr. J. Lyons
Mr. A. Richardson
Mr. R. C. Poulter Inner London Education Authority
Mr. W. Goudie Association of County Councils (Scotland)
Councillor Mrs. J. E. Williamson Counties of Cities Association (Scotland)
Mr. B. J. Rusbridge Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board
Mr. T. E. Dutton
Mr. J. B. Brown Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office

Interests Represented
Staff Side
Mr. N. M. Poulter British Dental Association
Mr. J. Bell
Mr. G. Entwisle
Mr. A. French
Mr. S. Gelbier
Mr. M. Kirkland
Mr. G. Kramer
Mr. D. Middleton
Mr. J. A. Reece
Mr. F. Stewart
Mr. J. Cond
Mr. T. Dowell
Mr. S. R. Bragg

Management Side Interests Represented
Mrs. B. K. Lowton Regional Hospital Board (England and Wales)
Miss A. K. Lloyd
Mr. G. H. Weston
Mr. R. J. Belsham,
Mr. C. MacLennan Regional Hospital Board (Scotland)
Lady Traherne Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
Mr. R. P. MacMahon
Alderman A. Lamb Association of Hospital Management Committees.
Mrs. D. Robinson
Mrs. R. T. Elliss Association of Boards of Management
Mr. R. C. Coulter Inner London Education Authority
Councillor Mrs. D. M. Hamilton Association of Municipal Corporations
Dr. W. Turner
Mr. G. J. Roberts County Councils Association
Mr. W.H. Lake
Lieutenant-Colonel F. Kerr Scottish Local Authority Associations
Councillor W. Perry
Mr. F. R. Howes Department of Health and Social Security
Mr. H. V. White
Miss J. G Whitehead
Mr. J. E. Tinkler Scottish Home and Health Department
Mr. R. H. Jones Welsh Office
Staff Side
Miss J. Clague Association of Nurse Administrators
Mr. J. M. Burke Association of Hospital and Residential Care Officers
Miss J. McL. Brannen Scottish Association of Nurse Administrators
Miss S. M. Wright Association of Supervisors of Midwives
Mr S. E. Best Confederation of Health Service Employees
Mr. D. O. Williams
Mr. E. A. G. Spanswick
Mr. R. W. Vickerstaff
Miss A. Hayward Health Visitors Association
Mrs. J. Wyndham-Kaye
Mr. J. E. Jeyes1 National and Local Government Officers Association
Miss A. W. Maddocks
Mr. A. A. Staples Managerial, Administrative. Technical and Supervisory Association
Mr. S. J. Barton National Union of Public Employees
Mr. W. L. Griffiths
Mr. H. Hutchinson
Mr. J. A. Shell
Mrs. W. A. Andrews Royal College of Midwives
Miss E. Marr
Miss B. D. Mee
Mrs, M. A. Todman
Miss A. V. Cowie
Miss E. J. Darwin
Miss C. M. Hall Royal College of Nursing
Mr. T. Davies
Miss E. McLaren
Mrs. M. E. Newstead
Mrs. E. Smith Scottish Health Visitors Association