HC Deb 26 November 1973 vol 865 cc18-9W
Mr. Trew

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what, at the latest available date, were the numbers of registered unemployed and of unfilled vacancies in the paper and board industry ; and what were the comparable figures 12 months previously.

Mr. Dudley Smith

Following is the information :

Number Unemployed Number of Unfilled Vacancies
October 1973 1,502 1,544
October 1972 2,722 430

The vacancy figures relate only to vacancies notified to employment offices and careers offices and do not measure the total unsatisfied demand for labour.

Unemployed on 8th October 1973 Men aged 18 and over Boys aged under IS Women aged 18 and over Girls aged under 18 Total
For up to 13 weeks 657 41 174 52 924
For over 13 and up to 26 weeks. 180 4 66 11 261
For over 26 weeks 881 8 104 3 996
Total 1,718 53 344 66 2,181
Note : The figures are not adjusted to take into account additions and deletions in respect of the date of the count but notified on the four days following that date.

Rates of unemployment are calculated by expressing the unemployed as a percentage of the numbers of employees, employed and unemployed. Separate rates can be calculated for males but not for men. For October 1973 the rate of unemployment in the area for males was 6.9 per cent.