HC Deb 12 November 1973 vol 864 cc25-6W
Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many presidents of rent assessment panels have decided to chair rent scrutiny boards themselves.

Mr. Channon

Six out of 15 panel presidents chair rent scrutiny boards themselves.

Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what guidance has been issued by his Department to the presidents of rent assessment panels on the desirability of their chairing rent scrutiny boards themselves.

Mr. Channon

None. This is a matter for presidents to decide for themselves.

Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received from professional organisations representing lawyers and valuers, and what discussions he has had with the organisations, over the amount of daily fee to be paid to lawyer and valuer members of rent assessment panels and rent scrutiny boards.

Mr. Channon

None. Fees paid to members of Government-appointed panels and tribunals are agreed by the Civil Service Department in consultation with the employing Department.

Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment why lawyer and valuer members of rent assessment panels receive a £25 daily fee while lay members receive a £15 daily fee.

Mr. Channon

Lawyer and valuer members contribute their professional expertise in addition to the qualities of judgment and commonsense which lay members also provide.

Mr. Hardy

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the cost incurred in operating the rent scrutiny board in Yorkshire in the first six months of 1973–74 and during 1972–73.

Mr. Channon

This information is not available. The cost of rent scrutiny board services cannot conveniently be separated from the cost of all the other Panel services, which include rent tribunal and rent assessment committee costs.

Mr. Hardy

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if members of rent scrutiny boards are paid at the full rate or at any other rate for any part of their work other than the attendance at sittings of the various boards.

Mr. Channon

Members are paid for the time they spend on all facets of panel work on the basis of the appropriate full-day or half-day fee.