HC Deb 11 May 1973 vol 856 c203W
Mr. Brocklebank-Fowler

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT a

Average weekly earnings
All manufacturing industries full-time men manual workers, aged 21 Agriculture hired regular whole-time workers men, aged 20 years and over. Average weekly earnings in the 12 months period General index of retail prices
years and over United Kingdom* £ April-March Great Britain† £ 16th January 1962 = 100
October 1964 18.67 April 1964-March 1965 12.79 13th October 1964 107.9
October 1965 20.16 April 1965-March 1966 13.80 12th October 1965 113.1
October 1966 20.78 April 1966-March 1967 14.55 18th October 1966 117.4
October 1967 21.89 Aprill967-March 1968 15.24 17th October 1967 119.7
October 1968 23.62 April 1968-March 1969 16.10 15th October 1968 126.4
October 1969 25.54 April 1969-March 1970 17.54 21st October 1969 133.2
October 1970 28.91 April 1970-March 1971 19.18 20th October 1970 143.0
October 1971 31.37 April 1971-March 1972 21.42 19th October 1971 156.4
October 1972 36.20 April 1972-March 1973 Not yet available 17th October 1972 168.7
The changes over the period October 1964-October 1971, using the nearest equivalent dates for the agricultural figures (i.e. the change between the average for April 1964-March 1965 and the average for April 1971-March 1972): were:

All manufacturing industries full-time men manual workers, aged 21 years and over, United Kingdom Agriculture hired-regular whole-time workers, men, aged 20 years and over, Great Britain General index of retail prices
+68 per cent. +67.5 per cent. +44.9 per cent.
* Since 1970, the regular inquiry into the earnings of manual workers in manufacturing and certain other industries has been held in Octobers only.
† Earnings for the year April-March in agriculture do not reflect the full effect of Agricultural Wages Board awards effective earlier that year.
Earnings in the quarter ending September 1972 for agricultural workers were £24.51.

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