Mr. Bishop
asked the Attorney-General if he will indicate what further progress has been made with law reform since February 1972; and if he will detail in
Law Reform Committee's 18th Report on Conversion and Detinue. |
Law Reform Committee's 19th Report on Interpretation of Wills. |
Report of the Committee on Privacy (Chairman: Right Hon. Sir K. Younger, K.B.E.). |
Criminal Law Revision Committee's 11th Report on Evidence (General). |
Report of the Committee on Death Certification and Coroners (Chairman: His Honour Judge Brodrick). |
Report of the Committee on Adoption of Children (Chairman: His Honour Judge Stockdale). |
(a) By the Law Commission: a large number of topics are under consideration, and are listed in the Law Commission's Seventh Annual Report, Law Com. No. 50 published on 14th December 1972; to this list should be added injuries to unborn children referred to the Commission by the Lord Chancellor on 29th November 1972, and the position of attorneys and other agents during the mental incapacity of the principal, referred to the Commission by the Lord Chancellor on 16th March 1973 |
(b) By the Law Reform Committee: limitation of actions. |
(c) By the Criminal Law Revision Committee: |
(i) the law on offences against the person (including homicide); an interim report on the Penalty for Murder has been published; |
(ii) Theft Act 1968 s. 16 (obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception). |
(d) By the Royal Commission under the chairmanship of Lord Pearson: the law relating to Civil Liability and compensation for personal injury. |
(e) By Committees set up by the Government: |
(i) the law of defamation; |
(ii) the law of contempt of court |
Notes: |
The Administration of Justice Bill includes provisions giving effect to certain recommendations of the Payne Committee on the Enforcement of Judgment Debts, relating to orders for the possession of mortgaged dwelling houses. |
Acts and Bills marked * were introduced by Private Members. |
168Wthe OFFICIAL REPORT the subjects dealt with and those awaiting attention.