HC Deb 15 March 1973 vol 852 cc431-2W
Mr. Boyden

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the amount of Ministry of Defence land sold in each of the years 1964 to 1972, the price realised and what acreage received planning permission at the time of sale, or subsequently, for housing.

Mr. Channon

Sales of Ministry of Defence land between 1964 and 1972 were:

Financial Year Acreage sold Price
1964–65 29,156 7,832,514
1965–66 16,122 5,794,531
1966–67 9,174 4,402,237
1967–68 10,634 4,307,000
1968–69 3,188 10,685,000
1969–70 4,427 9,263,687
1970–71 4,430 8,715,093
1971–72 5,012 10,670,523

Although an indication of the likely planning is known at the time of sale, Government Departments are not enabled to obtain formal planning permissions under the town and country planning statutes and land is sold on the basis that prospective purchasers must make their own planning inquiries. No records are maintained of planning possibilities at the time of sale and subsequent planning permissions obtained by purchasers are not ascertained.

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