§ 8. Mr. Biggs-Davisonasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what reports he has received of discrimination in the National Health Service against doctors and nurses opposed to abortion; whether he will make such reports available to the Lane Committee and whether he will make a statement.
§ Sir K. JosephSince 1968, two cases of difficulty over gaining appointments in obstetrics and gynaecology have been reported to the Department. I shall continue to make information available to the Lane Committee when it is likely to be of use to it.
§ 73. Mr. Hugh Fraserasked the Secretary of State for Social Services when, in view of the continuing public and professional concern over the rise in the numbers of pregnancies medically terminated, he proposes to publish the findings of the Lane Committee.
§ Mr. AlisonThe Lane Committee, which first met in June 1971, hopes to report this summer.