HC Deb 22 June 1973 vol 858 c235W
Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many research programmes into means of quietening existing jet engines are currently being undertaken by Government establishments; what work is being done in conjunction with Rolls-Royce (1971) Limited; and how the present level of expenditure compares with that of 1969, 1970, 1971 and 1972.

Mr. Onslow

It is not practicable to isolate expenditure on quietening existing engines since the research programmes sponsored by this Department also relate to the design of future engines. Government expenditure on these programmes was £1.5 million in 1969–70, £1.1 million in 1970–71 and £1 million in each of 1971–72 and 1972–73. In the current financial year, expenditure will be about £1.25 million of which nearly 70 per cent. will be spent in industry and universities and the

British Government French Government Both Governments
£m. £m. £m.
Actual costs from 29th November 1962 to 30th April 1973 at the prices and exchange rate prevailing when the costs were incurred 380 350(4,550MFr.) 730
Estimated costs from 30th April 1973 to completion of programme at January 1973 prices and at an exchange rate of £1 = 11.44FF 145 190 (2,210MFr.) 335
Totals 525 540 (6,760MFr.) 1,065

The differences between the latest estimate of £1,065 million at January 1973 prices and the former estimate of £970 million at January 1972 prices is as follows:

Former estimate at January 1972 prices 970
Pay and price increases since January 1972 35
Adjustments for variation in exchange rates 30
Revision of Estimates 10
Later date for obtaining Certificate of Airworthiness 20
Present estimate at January 1973 prices 1,065