HL Deb 13 June 1973 vol 343 cc811-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

If they will now publish the Hardman Report on the dispersal of Government work; and if they will make a Statement.


My right honourable friend the Prime Minister is presenting Sir Henry Hardman's Report to-day, together with a statement explaining the Government's attitude towards it. The Report reviews 86,000 posts in Central Government and related organisations in London and recommends that some 30,000 of them might be dispersed. The Report also recommends how these posts might be located in a number of different places.

The Government is grateful to Sir Henry for his Report, which it believes to be cogently and authoritatively argued. The Government will now consider the Report's proposals about the scale and location of dispersal. The only decision which the Government has so far made is to give its approval to the dispersal of the Natural Environment and Science Research Councils to Swindon, following consultation between the Management and Staff Sides of these bodies.

Before taking decisions on the rest of the Report later this year, the Government wishes to consider further the evidence presented about the effect of dispersal upon the main type of work reviewed; namely, the formulation of policy and its implementation at higher levels; the implications of dispersal for staff, and any other views which may be put forward.

The Report is being sent to the National and Departmental Staff Sides, whom we are inviting to comment on the various proposals made by Sir Henry Hardman. In addition to the interests of the staff and their families, the Government will take account, on the one hand, of operational efficiency and, on the other, of the benefits of easing recruitment and accommodation problems in London and of creating new office work opportunities elsewhere. In the latter connection my right honourable friend the Minister for Industrial Development is to-day announcing improved arrangements for removal grants for offices in the private sector moving to the assisted areas.