§ Mr. Hayhoeasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether she will publish the latest available comparative figures, both total and on a 519W per capita basis, for adult education with respect to (a) expenditure, (b) enrolments, (c) provision for the disadvantaged, and (d) establishment of full-time staff and for the London borough of Hounslow and other outer London boroughs and the ILEA.
§ Mr. St. John-StevasFuller information is readily available for England and Wales as a whole than for smaller areas. The latest figures are for 1971, except where otherwise stated, are as follows:
(a) Expenditure (1) Responsible Bodies in England and Wales (2) £3,937,000 Adult/evening institutes maintained by local education authorities in England and Wales (3) of which, £16,280,000 (a) ILEA £3,827,000 (b) Hounslow L.B. £95,000 (c) other Outer London Boroughs £1,797,000 Residential colleges and conference centres in England and Wales (4) £542,000 (estimated) (b) Enrolments (5) Responsible Bodies in England and Wales (2) Registered students 254,700 (6) Local authority maintained adult/evening institutes (7) Students enrolled in England and Wales as at 1st November 1971 of which, 1,270,4000 (a) ILEA 169,800 (b) Hounslow L.B. 8,200 (c) other Outer LondonBoroughs 148,400 Residential colleges and conference centres (4) Students enrolled during the academic year 1971–72 67,000 of which at direct grant colleges 500 In addition to the above there were 14,000 full-time, 136,200 (9) part-time day, and 448,600 (9) evening only students enrolled at grant-aided major further education establishments on courses not leading to recognised qualifications.
(c) Provision for the disadvantaged Separate figures are not available. (d) Full-time staff Figures are readily available only for teaching staff Local authority maintained adult-evening institutes of which 390 (10) (11) (a) ILEA 150 (approx). (12) (b) Hounslow L.B. 6 (12)
Responsible Bodies in England and Wales 397 (13) Other adult centres and organisations 263 (10) The large majority of teachers in adult aducation establishments are part-time.
(1) 1971–72 financial year.
(2) Extra-mural departments of universities, the headquarters and 17 districts of the Workers' Educational Association and the Welsh National Council of YMCA.
(3) Separate detail is not available in respect of students aged 18 and over.
(4) These are institutions maintained or assisted by local education authorities, or in receipt of direct grant from the Department of Education and Science. Expenditure figures shown here only cover expenditure by the direct grant colleges; expenditure by the others is not separately identifiable.
(5) Students aged 18 and over.
(6) Academic year 1971–72.
(7) Including courses or classes held at community centres, village halls etc. and taught by a paid instructor.
(8) Including a small proportion of students who were on courses leading to recognised qualifications.
(9) These figures include substantial numbers of those aged under 18; separate details are not available.
(10) In post at 31 March 1971 (provisional figures).
(11) Including staff whose service was divided between different types of establishment.
(12) At the present time.
(13) 1971–72, as given in Table 15 on page 219 of the report of the Committee on Adult Education.
§ Miss Fookesasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how long she anticipates her discussions with interested bodies will take in connection with the report of the Committee on Adult Education.
§ Mr. St. John-StevasThese discussions will begin as soon as the Department's preparatory work is complete. My right hon. Friend's intention is to proceed as rapidly and as constructively as possible.