HC Deb 13 July 1973 vol 859 cc462-4W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many applications for grant aid were approved by the Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation at the latest date for which information is available; and what was the total cost of the approved schemes and of the council's contribution.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

The Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation receives the applications and makes a recommendation on the amount of grant that should be paid by the Ministers. The information on approved applications up to 31st March 1973 is:

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what progress has been made in the past two years in promoting producer co-operation in the production of cereals, vegetables and other commodities; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

During the two years ending 31st March 1972 grants were made to 19 production co-operatives of which five were formed in the period, as follows:

Cereals 2
Vegetables 1
Cattle 1
Fully integrated farms 1

During this time the main co-operative development has been in marketing. In all 84 marketing co-operatives were helped with both grant and advice in these two years.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will increase the resources available to the Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation for grants towards expenditure incurred on feasibility studies and the formation of new cooperatives; what was the total amount of such grants from the council at the latest date for which information is available; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

Grants towards expenditure incurred in feasibility studies and formation costs are made by Agriculture Ministers on the recommendation of the Central Council. These grants, together with certain others, are operated within an annual monetary ceiling on approvals. I have no plan to change the arrangement for the current financial year.

Grants paid have been as follows:

1971–72 £ 1972–73 £
Feasibility studies 41,000 64,000
Formation costs 5,000 2,000

Figures for earlier years are not separately available.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he has taken, and is taking, to encourage the growth of agricultural and horticultural co-operation in the United Kingdom; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Anthony Stodart

Since the publication of the Report of the Committee on Contract Farming (Cmnd. 5099) and the Green Paper on Agricultural and Horticultural Marketing (Cmnd. 5121), comments have been received from many of the interests concerned. These have covered a number of matters concerning co-operatives. My right hon. Friend hopes to be able to make a statement shortly.

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