HC Deb 12 July 1973 vol 859 c414W
Mr. Dalyell

asked the Minister of Slate for Defence for what reasons Service divers have been surveying the wrecks of scuttled German warships from the 1914–18 war; and the "Royal Oak" in Scapa Flow.

Mr. Buck

So far as HMS "Royal Oak" is concerned, the site has recently been surveyed by naval divers for the purpose of checking on the present state of the vessel. There has been no similar survey by Service divers on the wrecks of scuttled German warships from the 1914–18 war. An RAF Sub-Aqua Club in a private capacity has also recently carried out authorised diving on the site of HMS "Royal Oak" for the purpose of viewing the vessel, subject to stringent conditions that it is not to be disturbed in any way. I understand that this group has also dived on the wrecks of the German warships for the same purpose.

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