HC Deb 22 February 1973 vol 851 cc184-5W
Mr. Eadie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps he is taking to encourage the availability of all levels of skilled manpower required by the oil industry and ancillary industries; and whether he will assist in the expansion of the new Heriot-Watt Institute of Offshore Engineering, with a view to meeting these future manpower needs at graduate level.

Mr. Gordon Campbell

Having considered the oil industry's needs for courses in technical education with the Department of Employment and the Petroleum Industry Training Board, the Scottish Education Department has issued full information on how the industry can make effective use of the further education service in Scotland. Plans are now in hand for the establishment by several organisations of centres where practical training will be offered in the skills required. The industry's needs at graduate level have still to be established. While additional provision for them, including the Heriot-Watt Institute of Offshore Engineering, may be supported by industry and by private benefactions, the major source of Government support must come through the University Grants Committee machinery for university financing.