HC Deb 05 February 1973 vol 850 cc29-30W
Mr. Bishop

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is his estimate of the average number of people employed in the aerospace manufacturing and repairing industry in the last year and at the most recent date; and what was the average wage for men and for women

Non-Agricultural Sectors Manufacturing Industries
Country Earnings per hour in £ Sterling* Hours worked per week Earnings per hour in £ Sterling* Hours worked per week
United Kingdom 69.2p(1) 44.7 72.0p(1) 43.6
USA £1.43 37.0(2) £1.48 39.9(2)
Japan £98.52(3) 42.9 £93.7(3) 42.6
France 38.9p(4) 45.1 38.9p(4) 44.5
Germany 77.7p(5) 43.2(2)(6) 75.9p(5) 43.0(2)
Italy 47.5p(7) 7.8(8) 46.9p(7) 7.7(8)
* Exchange rates are those declared to the International Monetary Fund by Member Countries.
(1) Adult males only.
(2) Hours paid for.
(3) Per month, including family allowances and mid and end of ear bonuses; including salaried employees.
(4) Hourly rates—adults.
(5) Including family allowances paid directly by employers.
(6) Excluding commerce and transport.
(7) Including value of payments in kind.
(8) Per day.
Source: International Labour Office—Bulletin of Labour Statistics 4th Quarter 1972.

over 21 years of age in this classification at each time.

Mr. Chichester-Clark

The estimated number of employees in November 1972, the latest date for which information is available, was 205,000. The average number for the 12-month's period ending in November was 206,500. The figures are provisional. The latest date for which information is available about the average earnings of manual workers is April 1972. At that date, the average weekly earnings of full-time men (aged 21 years and over) and full-time women (aged 18 years and over) were £34.73 and £18.69 respectively. Comparable figures for October 1971 were £32.02 and £17.18.