HC Deb 19 December 1973 vol 866 cc310-1W
32. Mr. Sydney Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the progress made in the campaign launched by him on 3rd January 1973 "Plant a Tree in '73 ", with particular reference to the part played by Government Departments and local authorities.

Mr. Rippon

I am glad to say that substantial progress has been made. Some 1½ million trees and shrubs have been planted by my Department along roads and on Government land; a considerable publicity effort has been mounted by means of 2 million leaflets and other material; and the Department has received valuable co-operation from the Forestry Commission and from other Government Departments. My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Wales and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland also tell me that the year has made a successful impact in Scotland and Wales.

Local authorities too have played a notable part in several ways, in spite of the pressures of reorganisation and financial restrictions. Authorities have put forward schemes for tree planting to improve the appearance of unsightly land involving expenditure of about £1 million towards which 50 per cent. grants are being provided under the Local Government Act 1966. Large numbers of trees have also been planted as part of other environmental improvement schemes such as those for reclamation of derelict land and Operation Eyesore. And I am glad to acknowledge the encouragement which many authorities have given to schoolchildren and the public in their areas to participate in the campaign.

My Department has also received many reports of useful contributions to the success of the campaign by amenity societies and other voluntary bodies, and by industry. Examples will be included in the newsletter shortly to be issued by my Department and in a public exhibition next March.

We are now nearing the end of the original Tree Planting Year but there will, of course, be a continuing need to increase and improve our stock of trees for the future. Many organisations will have made plans for further activity in the spring planting season, and in support of their efforts my Department will continue to provide advice and publicity material and will participate in the conference which is to be held on 27th March to review the year's achievements and to consider future arrangements. I am hopeful that a permanent Tree Council will be formed by a number of interested organisations—including those representing local authorities—which will make an important contribution to the promotion of public interests in trees and an awareness of their value to the environment of both town and country.