HC Deb 10 December 1973 vol 866 cc6-7W
33. Mr. R. C. Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has had from moped users concerning the emergency regulations debarring the purchase of petrol in cans.

Mr. Emery

I have received a number of representations on this issue, but the Motor Fuel (Restriction of Supplies) Order 1973 does in fact allow moped users who regularly purchase two-stroke mixture, or petrol for making up such a mixture, in cans to go on doing so.

43. Mr. Skeet

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to what extent in his plans for petrol rationing he has taken account of the effect on the efficiency of internal combustion engines of a reduction in the lead content in petrol.

Mr. Tom Boardman

As my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for the Environment announced on 27th November, the Government have deferred the reduction in the maximum lead content of petrol from 0.64 grams to 0.55 grams per litre originally planned to take effect from 1st January 1974.

50. Sir D. Walker-Smith

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he is aware of the practice of some garages in restricting petrol supplies to customers having an account at the filling station; and if he will take action, pending the possible introduction of petrol rationing, designed to ensure that cash customers get a fair allocation of supplies.

Mr. Tom Boardman

We have asked garage owners to share out available supplies fairly amongst all customers and to give priority to vital users such as doctors. I believe the great majority are doing so, but I will review the matter if there is evidence of this practice becoming widespread and operating against the public interest.

51. Dame Irene Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether, in view of the work they do for the community, social service personnel employed by the local authorities will be entitled to supplementary petrol in the event of rationing, as has been arranged for other sections engaged on urgent natonal work.

Mr. Tom Boardman

Yes, Sir. Local authorities have been advised of arrangements under which they could, if necessary, obtain supplementary allowances for their employed or voluntary social workers if rationing were introduced.

Mr. Stainton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, in view of the fact that the Esso Petroleum Company Limited claims that, in allocating a 36 per cent. reduction on January 1973 in respect of January 1974 supplies to a constituent of the hon. Member for Sudbury and Woodbridge, it is acting in accordance with his instructions, if he will make a statement on the instructions relating to such matters that he has issued to petrol companies.

Mr. Tom Boardman

The only directions that have been issued to date to oil companies regarding restrictions in the deliveries of liquid fuel to their customers relate to the period ending 12th December. If my hon. Friend will let me have fuller details of the particular case he has in mind, I will gladly look into it.

Mr. Conlan

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what advice or instruction has been given to oil companies about the allocation of petrol to filling stations; and on what basis current allocations are being made.

Mr. Tom Boardman

Oil companies have been directed to restrict the overall delivery of motor fuel to garages to 90 per cent. of that made in the corresponding period last year, but apportioned to each garage on the basis of deliveries made in September of this year.