§ Dr. John A. Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations he has received about the need to introduce radiological screening methods for the detection of breast cancer into the National Health Service; and what replies he has given.
§ Sir K. JosephI have received many letters on the subject of breast cancer screening and several hon. Members have shown a keen interest in the subject. In replying to these representations. I have 53W explained that it would not be justifiable to set up a national screening programme until much more information is available about the resources needed and the benefits to be gained. I will write to the hon. Member on this subject.
Dr. John A. Cunningham askedthe Secretary of State for Social Services when he expects to receive a report from the working party which is studying evidence on the value of screening in the detection of breast cancer; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. AlisonFollowing recommendations by the working group, trial services for breast cancer screening have been set up. The working group cannot report on the value of screening in the detection of breast cancer until it has received the reports on these trials. I cannot say when this will be. It is likely to be several years before meaningful information is available.