HC Deb 26 October 1972 vol 843 c372W
Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what percentage of persons who have served prison sentences are subsequently sentenced to further terms of imprisonment.

Mr. Carlisle

I regret that the full information asked for is not available.

Of men released from a term of imprisonment of four years or more in 1967 in England and Wales, 33.5 per cent. are known to have been recommitted to prison under sentence within three years. Of such men released in 1968, 23.7 per cent. are known to have been recommitted within two years. The equivalent figures for women are 13.3 per cent. and 9.5 per cent.

Some figures are also available relating to those who were under 21 when sentenced to terms of imprisonment. Of such men released in England and Wales in 1967, 55.3 per cent. were recommitted either to prison or to borstal under sentence within three years. Of those released in 1968, 54.6 per cent. were recommitted either to prison or to borstal within two years. The equivalent figurer for young women were 27.5 per cent. and 13.9 per cent.