HC Deb 26 October 1972 vol 843 c434W
Mr. Skeet

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will detail the British and European enterprises formed for the development of fast breeder reactor systems and the countries in Western Europe which are contemplating prototype and/or commercial reactors of this type before 1980.

Mr. Emery

No British enterprises have been formed specifically for the development of fast breeder reactor systems. Present British industrial organisations concerned with the supply of thermal reactors and their fuel are closely involved with the UKAEA in fast breeder development work. However, the possibility of arranging collaboration for fast reactor development and exploitation between the appropriate organisations in this country and those in Europe is currently under active consideration.

In Europe, I understand that fast reactor development is also being pursued through existing national and industrial organisations. These have in some cases formed international associations for development work or to share costs of construction and benefits from operating experience.