HC Deb 14 November 1972 vol 846 cc99-100W
Mr. Jessel

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the approximate total number of mature trees in Home Park, Hampton Court, in the grounds of Hampton Court Palace and in Bushey Park; how many are being felled in 1972; in how many cases this is due to Dutch elm disease; what consideration is being given to the application of treatment designed to save trees affected by Dutch elm disease; and what is the cost of such treatment.

Mr. Channon

The numbers are approximately:

Totals Elms
Home Park, Hampton Court 2,500 80
Hampton Court Gardens 500 20
Barge Walk area 2,000 1,950
Bushey Park 3,500 60

The numbers of trees which have been or will be felled in 1972 are:

Limes Elms
Home Park, Hampton Court 20 28
Barge Walk area 235
Bushey Park 21 8

The limes had become unsafe by storm or decay. The elms were suffering from Dutch elm disease and were felled on the recommendation of my Department's Advisory Committee on Forestry.

The Department has followed the advice of the Forestry Commission in felling trees more than 50 per cent. affected by Dutch elm disease. Consultation is going on with the Commission and a commercial establishment is also being consulted about treating the remaining diseased trees by injecting them with a chemical. Details of cost are not yet available.

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