HC Deb 13 November 1972 vol 846 cc47-8W
Mr. David Clark

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is his estimate of the shortage of physiotherapists within the National Health Service; and what this figure is represented as a percentage of the declared establishment.

Mr. Tinn

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what is the number of vacancies for qualified physiotherapists in each of the hospital regions of England and Wales in each of the five most recent years for which figures are available;

(2) what is the number of qualified physiotherapists entering the profession in each of the five most recent years for which figures are available.

(3) what is the number of qualified physiotherapists in each hospital region of England and Wales at the latest available date for which figures are available.

Mr. Alison

There is no ready yardstick for measuring the need for physiotherapists. There are shortages of physiotherapists and other remedial staff in some areas and in particular hospitals but there is also ample evidence that skills are not being deployed to their best advantage. This needs further study in order to be able to quantify overall shortages.

I am informed by the Registrar of the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine that the following numbers of qualified physiotherapists appeared on the State Register for the first time in each of the following years:

1967 1,260
1968 1,148
1969 1,237
1970 1,162
1971 1,104

and that between June, 1967, and June, 1971, the number of physiotherapists on the register increased from 9,171 to 10,611.

During the same period, the numbers of physiotherapists employed in the National Health Service increased by over 10 per cent.; and on 30th September, 1971, the following were the numbers employed in the hospital service in England:

Region Numbers of Physiotherapists (whole-time equivalents)
Newcastle 188
Leeds 255
Sheffield 279
East Anglia 135
North-West Metropolitan* 325
North-East Metropolitan* 243
South-East Metropolitan* 298
South-West Metropolitan* 341
London Teaching Hospitals 594
Oxford 218
South Western 354
Birmingham 452
Manchester 371
Liverpool 168
Wessex 206
* Excluding Teaching Hospitals.

I understand from my right hon. Friend the Secretaries of State for Scotland and for Wales that the equivalent figures were respectively 638 for Scotland and 233 for Wales.

Mr. David Clark

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the starting salary of a three-year trained physiotherapist and a senior physiotherapist within the National Health Service.

Mr. Alison

The salaries are:

Basic grade physiotherapist 1,110
Senior physiotherapist 1,290

Mr. David Clark

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what percentage of physiotherapists currently under training within the National Health Service are male.

Mr. Alison

The information is that 3. per cent. of the students at present in National Health Service physiotherapy schools and 32 per cent. of physiotherapists currently in training as teachers are male.