HC Deb 09 November 1972 vol 845 c235W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what criteria he uses in deciding whether to renew licences for the commercial carriage of passengers by privately owned airlines.

(Schemes of 15,000 sq. ft. and over)
Number Area '000 sq. ft. Estimated Additional Employment* Refusals Number†
August 6 140 90 1
September 9 186 140 Nil
October 9 342 360 Nil
November 14 478 220 1
December 11 445 820 1
January 12 380 1,300 2
February 15 661 240 Nil
March 16 416 350 1
April 19 503 540 3†
May 21 1,369 1,560 1
June 23 931 830 Nil
July 10 593 600 2
August 11 868 830 1
September 13 639 390 Nil
* Jobs estimated by the applicants to arise when the projects are complete and fully manned.
† Details cannot be provided where fewer than three schemes are involved because of the risk of disclosing information given in confidence by firms. The three refusals in April, 1972, amounted to a total area of 65,000 sq. ft. and a total estimated additional employment of 230.