HC Deb 07 November 1972 vol 845 c160W
Captain Orr

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what changes have been made in the draft Fire Services (Northern Ireland) Order, 1972, since it was first published and at whose instigation.

Mr. David Howell

Since the draft Fire Services (Northern Ireland) Order, 1972, was first published there has been only one change of any substance. The title now proposed for the new authority is "The Fire Authority for Northern Ireland "instead of" The Ulster Fire Authority." My right hon. Friend decided that this change should be made after discussion of the proposed Order by the Northern Ireland Advisory Commission.

A number of drafting amendments of a technical nature have also been made.

Captain Orr

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many meetings there have been between members of the Northern Ireland Department, the Northern Ireland Fire Authority and the Belfast Fire Authority.

Mr. David Howell

None. There were several meetings between interested parties before the establishment of the Northern Ireland Office; and since then my noble Friend the Minister of State has received a deputation from the Fire Brigades Union.

A Joint Working Party, consisting of the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Administrative Officer of the two fire authorities and a representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs, was set up in June, 1971, to consider and make recommendations on operational matters arising from the proposal to amalgamate the services. It has met 11 times.