HC Deb 25 May 1972 vol 837 cc448-9W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of State for Defence if he will make a statement on his attendance at the meeting of the Eurogroup within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in Brussels on 23rd May, 1972; if joint arms procurement was discussed at the meeting; and if he will make a statement on the policy of Her Majesty's Government towards the matters under discussion in this group.

Lord Balniel

My right hon. and noble Friend attended the meeting of the Eurogroup Defence Ministers on 23rd May. I am arranging for the Communiqué to be published in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Her Majesty's Government warmly support the activities of the Eurogroup. In particular, we regard collaboration over arms procurement as an important measure for securing effective use of the resources available for defence. The following is the Communiqué: The Defence Ministers of the Eurogroup met at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 23rd May, 1972, under the Chairmanship of Minister Helmut Schmidt (Germany). They held a thorough exchange of views on the work of the Eurogroup, which aims at strengthening the alliance and rendering the Defence efforts of the European partners more effective through increased practical co-operation. Ministers reaffirmed the importance they attach to the continuing efforts of all Member countries to improve alliance Defence capabilities in accordance with NATO's AD 70 follow-on work. Ministers reviewed the special European Defence Improvement Programme, and welcomed the progress made in implementing all its elements. As regards the additional infrastructure contribution, in which all member countries are taking part and which will provide aircraft shelters at nearly a hundred airfields, they noted that work was complete or in hand on some two-fifths of the total programme covered, and that a further two-fifths was covered by current programming or pre-financing. They noted that all the special national force improvements were going ahead as planned, and that, for example, the first of the additional C.130 transport aircraft would be delivered in June: work was well advanced on the new support facilities for strengthened local forces on the northern flank: funds were fully committed for the additional CH.53 heavy-lift helicopters: and a decision has been taken to station forward in Germany an increased proportion of the extra Jaguar close-support aircraft planned. They noted also that most of the C.160 tactical transport aircraft being brought into service as Intra-alliance Aid had been delivered, and that the force should be complete within the next few months. Ministers noted also the progress made in implementing local force improvements on the southern flank. Ministers gave special attention to the need, within the alliance framework, to strengthen co-operation in research development, production and purchase of defence equipment. They endorsed a joint statement of principles which all member countries would follow in order to develop and intensify such co-operation. These principles cover extensive exchange of information, careful review of collaborative possibilities, maximum standardisation, and maximum co-operation in procurement and follow-on support. Ministers agreed that at their next meeting they would further consider what joint action might be taken to speed results in specific project areas, and in the field of long-term equipment co-operation in general. Ministers received a report by a study group set up to examine improved inter-operability and commonality in tactical area communications systems. Following this group's successful work, Ministers approved a common operational concept for the future, and endorsed an agreed decision whereby all member countries undertook to introduce, as soon as practicable, equipment conforming fully to detailed common technical parameters. They noted that, as a result, automatic intercommunication would in due course be possible throughout the tactical area. Ministers reviewed work towards greater co-operation in training, logistic support and military medical services. They noted in particular that the first joint training courses deriving from the Eurogroup work had already taken place. Ministers agreed to review progress on all these matters at their December meeting.