HC Deb 17 May 1972 vol 837 cc127-8W
Mr. Mason

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what financial assistance has been given to the British

1962–3 1963–4 1964–5 1965–6 1966–7
BAC* 8.382 8.103 4.774 9.892 17.979
Beagle† 1.250
Britten-Norman 0.140 0.240
Hand ley Page 0.180 0.090 0.064 0.074 0.657
HAS 0.918 0.750 1.910 0.930 0.248
Shorts 1.000 2.500 1.600 1.900 4.450
Westland 0.800 0.100 0.150
TOTALS 11.280 11.443 8.448 12.936 24.974
Aero engines
Rolls Royce‡ 0.598 3.174 5.043 11.530 17.395
1967–8 1968–9 1969–70 1970–1 1971–2
BAC* 29.421 36.460 32.229 43.860 45.857
Beagle† 1.400 2.392 1.054 2.396 0.100
Britten-Norman 0.360
Handley Page 0.538 0.100 0.025
HAS 3.001 5.103 6.197 4.983 0.935
Shorts 3.150 1.900 1.300
TOTALS 37.870 45.955 39.505 52.539 46.892
Aero engines
Rolls Roycet‡ 25.282 36.313 49.879 36.528 121.370
* BAC figures comprise launching aid and assistance to the Concorde programme. The Concorde element includes an allowance, from 1968–9, for payments under the production account which will retrospectively be converted into interest-bearing loans.
†Beagle totals include the cost of acquisition, grants, loans and receivership/liquidation costs.
‡ The Rolls Royce totals include:
(a) Launching aid;
(b)Concorde engine (Olympus 593), including an allowance for payments under the production account which will retrospectively be converted into interest-bearing loans;
(c) Working capital loans.

Home Credit Scheme introduced by the Shipbuilding Industry Act 1967. No special assistance was given direct to shipbuilding companies in the three financial years prior to 1965–66.

aircraft industry annually over the last 10 years, specifying the total aid given to the firms in airframes, aero-engines and missiles groups of industries, respectively.

Mr. Michael Heseltine

The information is set out in the table below. It does not include military research, development or procurement contracts which are the concern of my right hon. and noble Friend the Secretary of State for Defence. The figures record payments only; they take no account of receipts which have accrued to Her Majesty's Government under the terms of launching aid and other agreements.