HC Deb 11 May 1972 vol 836 cc434-5W
Mrs. Doris Fisher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the most recent figure of awards granted under family income supplement; and what percentage take-up this represents.

Mr. Dean:

At the end of April, the latest date for which information is available, the number of families receiving family income supplement was 65,000 and there were about 10,000 awards in the process of being made. This represents a take-up rate of approximately one half. The latest available figures for take-up for various rates of benefit relate to the end of March; at that time 75 per cent. of those entitled to £2 or more were in receipt of the benefit, 50 per cent. of those entitled to between £1 and £2 and 30 per cent. of those entitled to under £1.

Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what are the total administrative costs so far for the family income supplement.

Mr. Dean:

The estimated administrative costs up to the end of the 1971–72 financial year were £460,000. This figure excludes publicity costs, but includes the cost of setting up the scheme in 1971.

Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the current average weekly payment of family income supplement to those families that qualify in each of the regions.

Mr. Dean:

Following are the regional averages at the end of April:

Departmental region Average weekly payments of Family Income Supplement
Northern 2.37
Yorkshire and Humberside 2.33
East Midlands and East Anglia 2.36
London North 2.46
London South 2.38
London West 2.37
South-Western 2.29
West Midlands 2.44
North-West (Manchester) 2.46
North-West (Merseyside) 2.41
Scotland 2.45
Wales 2.29

Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is estimated to be the extra annual expenditure on family income supplement awards as a result of the uprating in April.

Mr. Dean:

The estimated expenditure on payments of family income supplement is £8 million for 1972–73, compared with the original estimate of up to £7 million in the first full year.