HC Deb 28 March 1972 vol 834 cc55-6W
Mr. Elystan Morgan

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what

Resettlement Transfer Scheme Employment Transfer Scheme
Free fares for interviews, to take up employment and in domestic emergency. No change.
Assisted fares for visits home
£6 settling-in grant
Lodging allowance of £4.55 per week for workers with dependants. Lodging allowance of £6.58 per week for workers with dependants.
£2 per week disturbance allowance for workers without dependants whose homes before transfer are in Assisted Areas (whether they move within or outside these areas).
Household removal expenses No change
Free fares for dependants on removal of, household.
Incidental expenses grant of £100 on removal Rehousing grant of £100 for moves originating outside the Assisted Areas, £400 for moves originating in the Assisted Areas or £600 for trainees under the Government's Vocational Training Scheme who satisfy certain conditions.
Assistance towards solicitors and house agents fees of three-quarters of the cost up to £135 for house sale or purchase and up to £220 for both sale and purchase. The maxima are increased to £145 for sale or purchase and £240 for both sale and purchase.
Continuing liability allowance up to £4.55 per week. Continuing liability allowance up to £6.58 per week.
Upper salary limit for determining eligibility—£2,400. Upper salary limit £2,650

was the total sum of regional assistance directly aimed towards industry and industrial development in Wales in 1971.

Mr. Anthony Grant

The information is available for the financial year only. On this basis expenditure on Government preferential assistance to industry in Wales was £50.4 million in 1970–71.