HC Deb 25 July 1972 vol 841 cc261-2W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what action he proposes to take to secure the official recognition of medical specialists and consultants to harmonise with the practices prevailing in the European Economic Community;

(2) if the National Health Service is a public service within the meaning of Article 48(4) of the Treaty of Rome;

(3) to what extent those working in the National Health Service are connected with the exercise of official authority within the meaning of Article 55 of the Treaty of Rome.

Sir K. Joseph

These matters are under consideration with the European Economic Community Commission and with the professional organisations in this country.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he proposes to introduce legislation to alter the status of the General Medical Council as the statutory registration authority for doctors in

Mr. Alison

Nurse staffing ratios in some such wards are above the average staffing in local authority homes, but we do not regard this as a valid comparison as there are more heavily handicapped children in hospitals. Improvements in staffing, the relief of overcrowding and the upgrading of accommodation form part of the programme which regional hospital boards were in 1970 asked to try to achieve in hospitals for the mentally handicapped by 1975, and for which extra money has been made available.