HC Deb 13 July 1972 vol 840 cc426-35W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Lord President of the Council if he will state the cost to public funds for British delegates attending meetings of the North Atlantic Assembly, Western European Union and the Council of Europe since April, 1971.

Mr. R. Carr

The total expenditure from the House of Commons Vote from 1st April, 1971, to 30th June, 1972 in respect of the expenses of the Council of Europe, Western European Union and the North Atlantic Assembly delegations is £56,426.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Lord President of the Council (1) whether he will publish in the Official Report details of meetings of international parliamentary assemblies from 23rd May, 1972, onwards, together with the names of British members entitled to attend these meetings;

(2) whether he will publish in the Official Report a list of the meetings of committees, etc., of international parliamentary assemblies from 21st Fune, 1972, until 7th December, 1972, together with the Members appointed to attend; and which of these have signified their intention to attend or not to attend, as the case may be, for each of the meetings.

Mr. R. Carr

Following is the information:

(C. of E.)=Council of Europe (W.E.U.)=Western European Union (N.A.A.)=North Atlantic Assembly
Date Time Committee Place Representatives Substitutes
23rd May 10.30 a.m. Defence Questions and Armaments (W.E.U.) Paris S. W. Digby J. Scott-Hopkins
Lord St. Helens D. Dodds-Parker
J. Peel D. Walters
M. Stewart J. Boyden
S. B. Jones
23rd May 10 a.m General Affairs (W.E.U.) Paris J. Scott-Hopkins Sir J. Rodger
P. Gordon Walker W. Molloy
F. Judd G. Darling
Lord Gladwyn D. Steel
5th–8th June 1st Part—Session of the Assembly of W.E.U Paris Full Delegation
8th or 9th June Legal Affairs (C. of E.) Paris W. P. Grieve A. D. Walder
P. Gordon Walker A. Davidson
H. Rossi D Marquand
15th–16th June Standing Committee (N.A.A.) Rome J. Peel
19th–20th June 3 p.m. and 9.30 a.m. Economic Affairs and Development (C. of E.) Paris D. Marquand G. Darling
Sir B. Rhys Williams S. W. Digby
Lord Gladwyn D. Steel
(List compiled 20th June, 1972)
(*=Member has indicated his intention to attend †=Member has indicated his intention not to attend)
(C. of E.)=Council of Europe (W.E.U.)=Western European Union (N.A.A.)=North Atlantic Assembly
Date Time Committee Place Representatives Substitutes
21st June 10 a.m. Science and Technology (C. of E.) Paris I. Lloyd* J. Critchley
S. B. Jones W. W. Small †
Lord Selsdon† A. D. Walder
23rd June 10 a.m. Military Committee (Sub-Committee on Defence of the Northern Flank) (N.A.A.) Copenhagen Lord Strathcona*
26th June 10 a.m. Legal Affairs (Sub-Committee on Human Rights) (C. of E.) The Hague P. Gordon Walker†
P. Grieve*
26th June 9.30 a.m. and afternoon Population and Refugees (C. of E.) The Hague D. Dodds-Parker* J. Boyden*
26th –27th June 2.30 p.m. and 9.30 a.m. Legal Affairs (C of E.) The Hague P. Grieve* A. D. Walder†
P. Gordon Walker* A. Davidson†
H. Rossi* D. Marquand
27th June 2 p.m. Agriculture (C. of E.) The Hague J. Hill† Lord Selsdon
F. Peart Lord Walston
J. Scott-Hopkins† D. Walters†
27th June 5 p.m. Political and Legal Affairs—Sub-Committee on Northern Ireland (C. of E.) The Hague P. Grieve
27th June 10.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Political Affairs (C. of E.) The Hague S. W. Digby* D. Dodds-Parker
Sir J. Rodgers* J Peel †
28th June 9a.m. M. Stewart † F. Judd*
28th June 10 a.m. Bureau (C. of E.) The Hague G. Darling* D. Coleman
29th June 10 a.m. and 3p. m. Standing (C. of E.) Lord Walston* H Rossi*
S. W. Digby* J. Peel †
27th–29th June Second Inter-Parliamentary Conference on the Environment Vienna J. Farr*
T. Dalyell*
27th–29th June Military (Sub-Committee on the Soviet Maritime Threat) (N.A.A.) Lisbon P. Wall*
29th June–1st Jut) Regional Planning and Local Authorities (C. of E.) (and European Symposium on Frontier Regions) Strasbourg A. Jones* Mrs. D. Fisher
E. Fernyhough W. Molloy
Dame J Vickers I. Lloyd
Date Time Committee Place Representatives Substitutes
30th June–5th July Culture and Education (C. of E.) (and Symposium on Higher Education, 30th June-1st July) Vienna J. Boyden* S. B. Jones*
J. Hill* F. Tomney*
D. Sandys Sir J. Rodgers
Plus R. Mitchell*
7th July 11 a.m. Presidential (W.E.U.) Paris J. Peel*
Dame J. Vickers †
M. Stewart*
Lord Gladwyn†
6th–9th July 10 a.m. Social and Health Questions (C. of E.) Malta W. Molloy* D, Coleman
Sir B. Rhys Williams † Mrs. D. Fisher
Dame J. Vickers* A. Jones†
10th–23rd July Military Tour (N.A.A.) U.S.A. Sir F. Maclean*, P. Hooson*, E. Bishop* Wall*, J. Dunn* E.
21st July 10.30 a.m. Defence Questions and Armaments (W.E.U.) Paris J. Boyden* A. Walder*
S. W. Digby D. Dodds-Parker
Lord St. Helens* D. Walters
J. Critchley B, Jones
M. Stewart† D. Coleman
4th–7th September Economic Affairs and Development Turkey D. Marquand G. Darling*
Sir B. Rhys Williams* S. W. Digby
Lord Gladwyn† D. Steel*
7th–8th September Culture and Education (Sub-Committee on Historical and Artistic Monuments and Sites) London D. Sandys
13th–16th September Population and Refugees (C. of E.) Bordeaux D. Dodds-Parker J Boyden*
14th–15th September Science and Technology (Sub-Committee on Data Processing) (C. of E.) Klagenfurt I. Lloyd*
W. W. Small†
15th September 10 a.m. Parliamentary and Public Relations (C. of E.) Paris D. Coleman E. Fernyhough
H. Rossi J. Scott-Hopkins
20th September Economic Affairs and Development (C. of E.) Paris D. Marquand G. Darling
Sir B. Rhys Williams* S. W. Digby
Lord Gladwyn D. Steel
21st September 2.30 p.m. Special Committee on the Inter-governmental Work Programme Paris W. Molloy
A. Jones*
Lord Walston
25th–29th September Regional Planning and Local Authorities and 9th Session of the Conference on European Local Authorities (C. of E.) Strasbourg A. Jones* Mrs. D. Fisher
E. Fernyhough W. Molloy
Dame J. Vickers I. Lloyd
Date Time Committee Place Representatives Substitutes
25th September General Affairs (W.E.U.) Paris J. Scott-Hopkins Sir J. Rodgers
P. Gordon Walker W. Molloy
F. Judd D. Marquand
Lord Gladwyn D. Steel
W. P. Grieve H. Rossi
25th September Afternoon Social and Health Questions—Sub-Committee on the 5th Seminar on International Voluntary Service (C. of E.) Paris W. Molloy
26th September 10 a.m. Budget (C. of E.) Paris J. Scott-Hopkins Lord Walston †
26th September Social and Health Questions (C. of E.) Paris W. Molloy D. Coleman
Sir B. Rhys Williams* Mrs. D. Fisher
Dame J. Vickers A. Jones†
27th September Morning Social and Health Questions—Sub-Committee on the European Code of Social Security (C. of E.) Paris W. Molloy
29th September or 2nd October European Non-Member Countries (C. of E.) Rome or Bonn F. Judd D. Marquand
D. Walters A. D. Walder↑
29th September Culture and Education (C. of E.) Paris J. Boyden S. B. Jones
J. Hill F. Tomney
D. Sandys Sir J. Rodgers
2nd–3rd October Scientific, Technological and Aerospace Questions (W.E.U.) Venice I. Lloyd* Sir B. Rhys Williams
Lord Selsdon↑ J. Critchley
F. Peart A. Davidson↑
F. Tomney W. W. Small
5th–6th October Legal Affairs (C. of E.) Rome P. Grieve A. D. Walder†
P. Gordon Walker A. Davidson
H. Rossi D. Marquand
6th October Science and Technology (C. of E.) Paris I. Lloyd* J. Critchley
S. B. Jones W. W. Small
Lord Selsdon A. D. Walder
9th–10th October Scientific, Technological and Aerospace Questions (W.E.U.) Paris I. Lloyd Sir B. Rhys Williams
Lord Selsdon J. Critchley
F. Peart A. Davidson
F. Tomney W. W. Small
9th–10th October General Affairs (W.E.U.) Paris J. Scott-Hopkins Sir J. Rodgers
P. Gordon Walker W. Molloy
F. Judd D. Marquand
Lord Gladwyn D. Steel
P. Grieve H. Rossi
7th–24th October 2nd Part—Session of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe Strasbourg Full Delegation
10th–24th November North Atlantic Assembly Plenary Session Bonn Full Delegation
4th–7th December Assembly of Western European Union Paris Full Delegation

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Lord President of the Council how, and on what basis, the six Members of Parliament were selected to attend the North Atlantic Assembly military tour of the United States of America from 10th to 23rd July, 1972.

Mr. R. Carr

Five Members are taking part in the tour. They were selected by the three party leaders of the United Kingdom Delegation to the North Atlantic Assembly from amongst the Members of the Delegation.

Effective date Percentage cost on wages bill unless otherwise stated
Industrial Civil Service 1st July, 1970 13.1 per cent. on basic rates.
Professional and Technology Grades 1st January, 1971 9.7 per cent.
Administration Group:
Middle and higher grades 1st January, 1971 9.75 per cent.
Clerical grades 1st January, 1971 11.5 per cent.
Science Group 1st January 1971 7.4 per cent.
Industrial Civil Service 1st July, 1971 8.1 per cent. on basic rates.
Administration Group, etc. 1st January, 1972 7.7 per cent.
Professional and Technology Category, etc 1st January, 1972 Under review.
Industrial Civil Service 1st July, 1972 Under review.

The position of the Higher Civil Service is complex. In July, 1969, in its first general review since September, 1965, the Standing Advisory Committee on the pay of the Higher Civil Service recommended increases in pay which represented an average annual increase of about 7.3 per cent.; these increases were implemented in three stages—July, 1969, July, 1970, and January, 1971. The Top Salaries Review Body in its recent report recommended increases which taken on the same basis involve an increase of 7.1 per cent. since July, 1969.