HC Deb 10 July 1972 vol 840 cc240-3W
54. Mr. Loveridge

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what proportion of British Embassy buildings are owned freehold or on long leases at fixed ground rents; what proportion are rented on a short-term basis; and if he will list the major premises involved in both categories.

Mr. Anthony Royle

We own or long lease on fixed ground rents about half of the British Embassy offices in capital cities and two-thirds of the residences of heads of mission in those capitals. The remainder are rented for shorter periods but almost half of them are held on leases for nine years or more.

The following is a list of the major properties involved in foreign capitals:

Post Freehold or on Long Lease at Fixed Ground Rent Leased
Kathmandu Office and Residence
Khartoum Residence Office
Kinshasa Residence Office
Kuwait Office and Residence
La Paz Office and Residence
Lima Residence Office
Lisbon Office and Residence
Lome Office and Residence
Luxembourg Residence Office
Madrid Office and Residence
Managua Residence Office
Manila Residence Office
Mexico City Office and Residence
Mogadishu Office and Residence
Monrovia Office and Residence
Montevideo Office and Residence
Moscow Office and Residence
Muscat Office and Residence
Oslo Office and Residence
Panama Residence Office
Paris Office and Residence
Peking Office and Residence
Phnom Penh Office and Residence
Prague Office and Residence
(1) Pretoria/ Office(1) and (2) Residence (2) Residence (1
(2) Cape Town
Quito Residence Office
Rabat Office and Residence
Rangoon Office and Residence
Reykjavik Residence Office
Rome Office and Residence
Saigon Office and Residence
Sana'a Office and Residence
San Jose Residence Office
San Salvador Office and Residenc
Santiago Residence Office
Santo Domingo Office and Residence
Seoul Office and Residence
Sofia Office and Residence
Stockholm Office and Residence
Tananarive Residence Office
Tegucigalpa Office and Residence
Tehran Office and Residence
Tel Aviv Office and Residence
Tokyo Office and Residence
Tripoli Office and Residence
Tunis Office and Residence
Ulan Bator Office and Residence
Vienna Residence Office
Vientiane Office and Residence
Warsaw Residence Office
Washington Office and Residence
Yaounde Office and Residence
High Commissions
Accra Residence Office
Bathurst Residence Office
Blantyre Office and Residence
Bridgetown Residence Office
Canberra Office and Residence
Colombo Office and Residence
Dacca Office and Residence
Dar es Salaam Residence Office
Freetown Residence Office
Gaborone Office and Residence
Georgetown Office and Residence
Kampala Office and Residence
Kingston Residence Office
Kuala Lumpur Residence Office
Lagos Residence Office
Post Freehold or Long Lease on Fixed Ground Rent Leased
Lusaka Office and Residence
Maseru Office and Residence
Mbabane Office and Residence
Nairobi Residence Office
New Delhi Office Residence
Nicosia Residence Office
Ottawa Office and Residence
Port Louis Residence Office
Port of Spain Residence Office
Singapore Office and Residence
Suva Office and Residence
Valetta Office and Residence
Wellington Residence Office