§ LORD DELACOURT-SMITHasked Her Majesty's Government:
(1) To provide a schedule showing the cases in which, from Government Departments or other central Government agencies, benefits (whether in cash or otherwise) are available on a basis which includes a test of need and/or a test of means; showing in each case the main groups of the population for whom the benefit on such basis is available and a brief indication of the test applied.
(2) To provide a similar schedule showing the cases in which benefits on such a basis are available through local authorities, indicating additionally whether the tests applied are within the discretion of the local authority or are specified by an agency of central Governments.
(3) To place in the Library particulars of the cases covered in the schedule asked for in part (1) of this Question, with details in each case of the tests applied and a copy of the form or forms which have to be completed by members of the public making application for the benefit.
Availability Type of Test (See Note 2) 3. Relief from National Health Service Charges:— Dental and Optical Charges. Charges for Prescriptions and Elastic Hosiery. Charges for Wigs and Fabric Supports. Persons not automatically exempt and assessed as needing help on grounds of low income, including recipients of supplementary benefit and family income supplement. Assessment of resources. 4. Patients' Hospital Travelling Expenses. Hospital patients assessed as needing help on grounds of low income including recipients of supplementary benefit and family income supplement. Assessment of resources. 5. Family Income Supplement Families with one child or more where the breadwinner is in full-time work and the family income is below a prescribed amount. A simple test of the parents' gross income. 6. Legal Aid (Civil) Litigants in civil cases assessed as needing help on grounds of low income. Assessment of resources, including capital. ADMINISTERED BY THE LAW SOCIETIES 7. Legal Aid (civil claims not involving proceedings). Claimants assessed as needing help on grounds of low income. Assessment of resources including capital. 8. Legal Advice Clients assessed as needing help on grounds of low income with solicitors' fees. Assessment of resources, including capital. ADMINISTERED BY THE COURTS UNDER GUIDANCE OF THE HOME DEPARTMENT 9. Legal Aid (criminal) Defendants in criminal proceedings assessed as needing help on grounds of low income. Assessment of resources, including capital. ADMINISTERED BY SCHOOLS ON BEHALF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 10. Remission of Direct Grant School Tuition Fees (England and Wales). Day pupils attending such schools Test of income to determine parental contribution. ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT 11. Training Allowances Young people unable to get suitable training or progressive employment in their own area. Test of young persons' income and expenditure and of parental income. 12. Professional Training Scheme The disabled Test of income. 13. Grants to Registered Disabled People. Those assessed as requiring help with any of the following:— (a) special aids for employment Test of income. (b) excessive travel-to-work costs Test of income. (c) starting a small business Assessment of resources. B. DISCRETIONARY ASSESSMENTS: ADMINISTERED BY CERTAIN CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES 14. Higher Education Awards Students attending post-graduate and certain other designated courses (e.g. social work). Test of income. (2) Following are the main assessments for benefits administered by local authorities.
A. STATUTORY ASSESSMENTS: 1. Rate Rebates Householders whose gross income does not exceed certain defined limits (depending on family size). Test of income. 2. Free School Meals Pupils attending school whose parents are assessed as needing help on grounds of low income including recipients of supplementary benefit and family income supplement. Assessment of Resources. 3. Higher Education Awards (In Scotland the Student Allowances scheme is centrally administered by the Scottish Education Department). Students attending designated courses at first degree and comparable level. Test of income to determine parental contribution.
Availability Type of Test (See Note 2) 4. Residential Accommodation The Elderly or Handicapped Assessment of resources to determine contribution to charges (Subject to minimum charge and retention of minimum sum for personal expenses). 5. Temporary Accommodation Homeless Persons Assessment of resources to determine contribution to charges (Subject to wide powers of discretion). B. DISCRETIONARY ASSESSMENTS: 6. Rent Rebates Tenants living in unfurnished (normally local authority) accommodation in areas where such a scheme is in operation and whose income does not exceed certain defined limits (depending on family size). Test of income. 7. Higher Education Awards (In Scotland the Student Allowances scheme is administered by the Scottish Education Department). Students attending non-designated courses. Test of income to determine parental contribution. 8. Provision of Clothing Children at school who are unable to take full advantage of the education provided because of inadequacy or unsuitability of clothing. Test of income to determine parental contribution. 9. School Clothing and Uniform Grants. Children at school whose parents are assessed as needing help on grounds of low income. Test of income. 10. Educational Maintenance Allowances (Higher School Bursaries in Scotland). School pupils over the statutory minimum leaving age. Test of income. 11.Boarding Education Allowances (In Scotland the Central Bursaries Scheme, administered by the Scottish Education Department, makes allowances to pupils who have no residential qualification for a grant from a local authority). Children attending all schools with boarding acilities. Test of income to determine parental contribution. 12. Independent Day School Fees Children attending such schools Test of income to determine parental contribution. 13. Remission of Further and Adult Education Course Fees. Registered students at such courses Test of income. 14. Services for Children in Care As indicated Test of income to determine parental contribution. 15.Residential Accommodation for Mothers and Babies. As indicated Test of income. 16. Day Nurseries Children under school age Test of income. 17.Residential Accommodation for Adults Mentally Disordered. As indicated Test of income. 18. Meals in Centres for the Mentally Disordered, Elderly or Handicapped. As indicated Test of income. 19. Meals on Wheels The elderly or handicapped Test of income. 20. Recreational Facilities and Occupational Centres for the Elderly or Handicapped. As indicated Test of income. 21.Personal Aids and Equipment As indicated Test of income. 22. Adaptation of Houses For the handicapped and for those with certain medical conditions Test of income.
Availability Type of Test (See Note 2) 23. Home Help Maternity, sick, handicapped or elderly Test of income (subject to disregard of any supplementary benefit or an attendance allowance under the National Insurance Act 1970). 24. Chiropody Maternity, handicapped or elderly Test of income. 25. Recuperative Holidays and Convalescence. Requirement determined by approved medical condition. Test of income. 26. Nutrients, Foods, etc. Requirement determined by approved medical condition. Test of income. 27. Family Planning As determined locally. Test of income. 28. Loan of Nursing Equipment As determined locally Test of income. ENGLAND AND WALES 29. Assistance in kind Where necessary to promote the welfare of children by diminishing the need to receive them into care. Local authority discretion. 30. Assistance in cash In exceptional circumstances, where necessary to promote the welfare of children by diminishing the need to receive them into care. Local authority discretion. SCOTLAND ONLY 31. Local authority social work assistance in kind. Where assistance in another form would cause greater expense to the local authority. Local authority discretion. 32. Local authority social work assistance in cash. In an emergency where greater expense would otherwise be caused to the local authority. Local authority discretion. NOTES TO (1) AND (2): 1. The term "benefit" is used for convenience to cover all grants, rebates, remissions and abatements dependent on a test of means. For certain benefits, entitlement to receive the service (e.g. home helps) depends on other criteria of need. 2. By definition, the establishment of eligibility involves a test of income. In some assessments account is taken of actual outgoings in respect of particular commitments, e.g. housing costs, in determining the amount available to meet the appropriate charge. Where this is known to be the case, i.e. in statutory assessments, it is denoted by the term "assessment of resources" in the last column. Where statutory assessments determine eligibility simply by measuring the applicant's resources against a particular income scale, the general term "test of income" is used. Furthermore, since methods of assessment operated at the discretion of a local authority vary between different authorities they cannot be conveniently specified in this table; they have therefore been included also under the general term "test of income". Capital, as distinct from actual or assumed income from capital, is assessed separately only in the case of legal aid. 3. The schedules should be taken only as a general guide and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement. The lists are not necessarily exhaustive since certain items (e.g. (1), B, 14) cover a variety of separate schemes. Certain services listed may not be available in particular areas because their provision is determined by local conditions. The terms "statutory" and "discretionary" relate to the arrangements for remitting charges not to the provision of the facilities or services for which the charge is made. Provision of some services (e.g. (2), (B), 18 and 19) may be made at a sub-sidised rate or without charge simply on production of a retirement pension order book, or charging may be uncommon for certain items (e.g. (2), B, 20). Nothing in these schedules is intended to suggest that authorities should introduce a means test where, under their discretionary powers, none existed before. (3) Relevant documents have been placed in the Library.
House adjourned at twenty-one minutes before eight o'clock.