§ Mr. Arthur Lewisasked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will make a statement on the visit of the Minister for Transport Industries to the Transport and Road Research Laboratory at Crowthorne, Berkshire, on Friday, 28th January, 1972; and whether he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the Minister's conclusions concerning the faulty cars on the roads and matters connected with the road vehicle testing system.
§ Mr. PeytonI visited the Laboratory to open and attend a meeting entitled "Towards Safer Road Vehicles", which was held to demonstrate publicly the activity of British industry and Government in the field of vehicle safety, and to provide for an exchange of views on projects and objectives in that field.
My proposals for a review of the quite separate matter of vehicle testing were announced on 20th September, 1971; this review is now in progress.
§ Mr. Arthur Lewisasked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he is aware that the present system of testing old cars is unsatisfactory; and whether he will introduce new legislation to strengthen the law with regard to the road testing of cars three years or more of age.
§ Mr. PeytonI am reviewing the whole system of tests for cars and vans.