HC Deb 20 December 1972 vol 848 cc386-7W
Mr. Biffen

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what practice Her Majesty's Government proposes to follow in regard to the publication of foreign language texts of multilateral treaties to which the United Kingdom is a party or of European Community treaties.

Mr. Amery

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office "Treaty Series" of Command Papers is the published record of the texts of all treaties to which the United Kingdom has become a party. It has hitherto been the practice to publish such treaties in all the languages in which they were signed. Her Majesty's Government have now decided on grounds of economy that with effect from 1st January 1973 the texts of multilateral treaties to which the United Kingdom is a party will be published in the Treaty Series in the English language only.

Foreign language texts of multilateral treaties will normally be available in the United Nations Treaty Series which is obtainable through Her Majesty's Stationery Office or in other publications sponsored by international organisations. They may of course also be obtained from the Government or international organisation acting as depository for a particular treaty. Should a particular foreign language text be required urgently the Foreign and Commonwealth Office will be able to make a copy of the text in question available at short notice. That Department will also, if necessary, be able to certify foreign language texts for legal purposes.

The decision to publish only English texts will also apply generally to treaties entered into by or within the framework of the European Communities. The English texts of Community treaties to which the United Kingdom is a party will be published in the Treaty Series, while the English texts of treaties which are entered into by the Community acting without the member States as cosignatories will appear in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Miscellaneous Series of Command Papers. Foreign language versions of these treaties can be obtained from the Publications Office of the European Communities, and arrangements have been made for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, as agents for Community publications in this country, to make them available on request. Texts urgently required can be made available by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at short notice, and if necessary be certified by it for legal purposes.