HL Deb 19 December 1972 vol 337 cc1072-3WA

asked Her Majesty's Government :

When they will lay before the Privy Council an Order amending the Constitution of Bermuda so that electoral boundaries can be drawn in accordance with the number of voters, and no longer in accordance with the number of American tourists ; and when a new Boundary Commission will be appointed to begin their long-overdue work.


The Bermuda Legislature approved a motion on November 22, 1972, supporting the intention of the Government of Bermuda to seek the concurrence of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to a number of amendments to the Bermuda Constitution Order 1968. One of the amendments provides that in future a Boundaries Commission should have regard to adult persons within an electoral district who are eligible to vote. Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom is in agreement with this proposal and an Order amending the Constitution will be laid before the Privy Council as soon as the necessary legal drafting has been completed.

In accordance with Section 53 of the Bermuda Constitution a Constituency Boundaries Commission shall be appointed from time to time at such time as the Governor, after consultation with the Government Leader and the Opposition Leader, may determine, provided that the Commission shall be appointed not less than three nor more than seven years from the date on which the previous Commission submitted its report. The last report by a Constituency Boundaries Commission was submitted to the Governor on January 6, 1972.